Sustainable Tourism Law
SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN ARGENTINA 531 Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to justice for all and create effective, responsible and inclusive institutions at all levels Goal 17: Strengthen means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Together with these goals, the purpose is for Sustainable Tourism to bring along the following benefits: 6 ENVIRONMENTAL: – Minimize the environmental impact. – Ensure Responsible consumption and respect for the environment. – Achieve a balanced development with the environment. CULTURAL: – Respect the local communities’ sociocultural authenticity and contribute to cultural understanding and tolerance. – Foster the restoration, conservation anduse of archaeologic sites, architectural monuments and of any physical work of national collective interest. – Promote and value the local, regional and national cultural manifestations. SOCIAL: – Integrate local communities with tourist activities. – Foster infrastructure improvement. – Reactivate rural areas. ECONOMIC: – Generate employment. – Generate foreign exchange and provide capital resources to local economy. – Contribute to poverty reduction. – Promote consumption of local products. Sustainable Tourism in Latin America, then, must be understood as a tool to reduce poverty, value natural and cultural heritage, address the particularities of 6
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