Sustainable Tourism Law
WORLD CHARTER FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM +20 501 co-responsible parties, imposing real participation to improve sustainable tourism and not just be beneficiaries. iii.2.5. Researchers, Developers and Trainers These stakeholders are the main responsible group related to research and innovation. Another important word in these actions is effectiveness. The general idea is to reduce the gap between research and its effective use in the field of tourism, as well as improving sustainability through innovation. Another action entails building new alliances, linking science and tourism, to know the specific demands and research the related solutions. In this case the aim is to focus on an effective improvement of sustainable tourism based on scientific studies and eco-innovation. Moreover, it is indicated that these sustainable innovations should be available through learning and training to offer this knowledge to the tourism supply chain, as well as the local population. Another important aspect is the need for the new processes and tools not to be expensive. In spite of cleaner and more sustainable tools, high costs may make the implementation of new technologies improbable or impossible. iii.2.6. Networks and NGOs These stakeholders are special in relation to tourism, sustainability and development because of their capacity to spread knowledge and to establish connections. To use this expertise in favour of a more sustainable tourism is the target of both stakeholders. The first target is to reinforce the importance of global and regional partnerships for sustainable tourism, as well as implementing them. This aspect is important because of the need to establish a communication channel between international and national stakeholders in order to work on broad policies and produce and implement more specific policies regarding local performance 39 . A great contribution by these stakeholders is also sharing their know-how and best practices, to use successful examples as reference points for other sustainable tourism stakeholders. These cases are important to influence and inspire other stakeholders to use sustainable devices in their workplace and work activities. 39 On the role of sustainable development partnerships, see: OLIVEIRA, Carina Costa de. Sustainable development partnerships as a bridge between international communities and their national implementation. In: FITZMAURICE, Malgosia; MALJEAN-DUBOIS, Sandrine; NEGRI, Stefania (org.). Environmental protection and sustainable development from Rio to Rio+20 . Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2014. p. 50-58.
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