Sustainable Tourism Law
WORLD CHARTER FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM +20 493 and a vehicle for individual and collective fulfilment are some of the points deliberated in this convention 11 . Besides these standards, a specific document was created linking sustainability, economic development and tourism: the first World Charter for Sustainable Tourism, dated from 1995. Having as main influences the 1992 UNCED, Agenda 21 and the subsequent seventh and eighth Millennium Development Goals (ensure environmental sustainability and global partnerships for development) 12 , this Charter presented 18 general principles and objectives that indicated initial guidelines for a newrelationshipbetween economic development, tourism and environmental sustainability. The preservation of local cultural identities and heritage, sharing economic benefits, the improvement of the quality of life, providing decent work, not destroying or polluting ecosystems in vulnerable zones are some of the issues indicated in this Charter. Based on these aspects it is possible to indicate that the relations between the tourism supply chain and the other stakeholders have changed and new values have emerged in this contemporary context. After 20 years under the specific circumstances for the development of the relations between environmental aspects, economic development and tourism, it was decided to make a review of the first World Charter for Sustainable Tourism, featuring updated and more specific objectives to serve as a reference in this new stage of evolution, involving economic development, sustainability and tourism. For this reason, it is important to analyse this second charter in order to present its new ideas and tools to make the field of sustainable tourism more effective, as well as its connections with European Union rules. III. THE WORLD CHARTER FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM +20 Influenced by the UnitedNations Sustainable Development Goals, the UNWTO Code of Ethics for Tourism and several multilateral environmental and cultural 11 FAURE, Michael G.; ARSIKA, I Made Budi. Settling disputes in the tourism industry: the global code of ethics for tourism and the world committee on tourism ethics. Santa Clara Journal of International Law , v. 13, n. 2, p. 375-415, 2015. p. 380-382. 12 On the genesis of the UN Millennium Development Goals, see AGARWAL, Manmohan. Reshaping international institutions to achieve Millennium Development Goals. In. BESADA, Hany; KINDORNAY, Shannon (org.). Multilateral development cooperation in a changing global order . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. p. 37-39.
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