Sustainable Tourism Law

THE PRINCIPLES OF TOURISM LAW AS A BASIS FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 489 CONCLUSIONS Considering the perspective explored in this paper, within the law of tourism, eight principles can be identified that contribute to the management of sustainable tourism. In terms of Tourism Laws, the doctrine provides a fertile ground for the establishment of principles that help tourism management. The principles of the law of tourism should be understood as instruments of precaution to avoid, due to the very nature of tourism, resorting to judicial tribunals unnecessarily. The right to tourism is different from the right of consumption. When the law is not complete or adequate, as we see in the present, the principles become essential, since they allow judges to make decisions to determine the most appropriate judicial resolutions in the field of tourism. The eight principles of tourism law described in this work can help to better manage tourism activity and, of course, to improve the tourist experience on the destinations. BIBLIOGRAPHY BELOTTI, B. (1919). Il Diritto turistico. Nella Legge, nella dottrina, e nella giurisprudenza. Milano: Touring Club Italiano. BLANQUER CRIADO, D. (1999). Derecho del Turismo. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. BUSTI, S. (2002). La legislazione turistica, tra le nuove frontiere del diritto dei trasporti. Diritto dei trasporti, 1‐6. CEBALLOS MARTÍN, M. M. (2002). La regulación jurídica de los establecimientos hoteleros. Madrid: Marcial Pons. DE LA CERDA BADARÓ, R. A. (2003). Direito do turismo. História e legislação no Brasil e no exterior. Sao Pablo: Senac. FERNÁNDEZ ÁLVAREZ, J. (1974). Curso de derecho administrativo turístico. Tomos I,II, III. [ Course on Tourism Administrative Law. Volumes I, II, III.] Madrid: Editora Nacional. FERRAZ, J. A. (2005). Obrigaçoes e Contratos em Viagens e Turismo. Sao Pablo: Ipeturis. GÓMEZ CALERO, J. (1997). Régimen jurídico del contrato de viaje. [Juridical Regime on Travel Contracts]. Madrid: Dykinson. LIBRARY, W. O. (30 de 2016 de 2017). Wiley on Line Library. Recuperado el 27 de Noviembre de 2017, de Wiley on Line Library: LUHMANN, N. La sociedad de la sociedad . (U. Iberoamericana, Ed.) México, Ciudad de México, México: Herder Editorial. LUHMANN, N. (2008). Law as Social System (1a edición ed., Vol. 1). (O. U. Press, Ed.) London, London, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.