Sustainable Tourism Law
48 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW State Administrative Functions in Tourism and Hotel Industry took place (Dpr 14 January 1972, n 6: Trasferimento alle Regioni a Statuto ordinario delle funzioni amministrative statali in materia di turismo ed industria alberghiera e del relativo personale – Transfer to Regions by Ordinary Statute of State Administrative Offices in Tourism And hotel industry and its staff ). Therefore, it is worth mentioning the laws L. 2 August 1974, no. 365 (Potenziamento e razionalizzazione dell’attività di promozione del turismo all’estero – Enhancement and rationalization of tourism promotion activities abroad) and Dpr 24 July 1977, no. 616 (Attuazione della delega di cui all’art. 1 della L. 22 luglio 1975, no. 382, Implementation of delegation under Article 1 of Law No 382 of July 1975). The decade ends with the ratification and execution of the International Convention on the Travel Contract (CCV) signed in Brussels on 23 April 1970 (Law 1084 of 27 December, 1977). The Convention was not really successful (only five States ratified it). In Italy, the Convention entered into force on 4 October 1979. Despite its limited scope, it has been widely applied since many court decisions have often been inspired by it. Thus we begin to outline a complex system of rules, that was defined, as we have seen, as “Touristic Legislation” 26 . Practitioners start to operate with a threefold order of rules: regional norms, national rules and – in the background – Community rules, alongside the set of rules resulting from Italy’s adherence to international conventions that directly or indirectly concerned or affected tourism. Tourism evolves At the end of the seventies and early eighties, slowly something broke the magic moment of Italian tourism. The causes of the structural crisis of Italian tourism are many. I will point out some of them: in those years the big theme parks were created abroad, the great hotel chains were formed, the mass tourism organizations and the large catering chains were developed. The museums, from simple places of artistic or scientific heritage conservation, were transformed into interactive museums. New ideas and new initiatives were developed around the world. Conrad Hilton wrote Be my guest in 1957 27 . Walt Disney started to build Disneyland in California 26 A representation of this approach is the now classical Franca INDOVINO FABRIS, Legislazione turistica, 4a Ed., CEDAM, Padova, 1997. 27 Conrad HILTON, Be my guest , (1 Ed.), New York, Simon and Schuster, 1957.
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