Sustainable Tourism Law
460 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW practices was certified by external, independent entities linked to universities and researchers, allowing public and private agents to be transported to higher levels within a sustainable and institutional development framework; g) The municipal management charter for the surf tourism product of the municipality of Aljezur was accepted as a public commitment letter, which is accessible on the Internet. It constitutes an innovative and pioneering regulation in the local transposition of international principles and recommendations for soft law, such as WSST + 20, thus allowing the municipality of Aljezur to take a step forward and become a part of the universal challenge constituted by sustainable tourism development. BIBLIOGRAPHY Buckley, R. (2002). Surf tourism and sustainable development in Indo-Pacific Islands II. Recreational capacity management and case study. Journal of Sustainable Tourism , 10 (5), 405 – https:// Contreiras, J. P., Machado, V., & Duarte, A.P. (2016). Corporate social responsibility in tourism: The case of Zoomarine Algarve. Tourism & Management Studies , 12 (1), 127-135. ttp://dx.doi . org/10.18089/tms.2016.1211 European Commission (2011). Renewed EU strategy 2011-14 for corporate social responsibility. Brussels: EU Commission.Retrieved ( documents/com/com_com(2011)0681_/com_com(2011)0681_en.pdf). Fernandes, A.M. (2017). Direito do Trabalho [Labour Law] , 18th edition. Coimbra: Almedina. Ferris, T. (2010). The science of liberty-democracy, reason and the laws of nature. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. Freeman, E. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach . Boston: Pitman. Goeldner, C.R., & Ritchie, J.R.B. (2009). Tourism. Principles, Practices, Philosophies . New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Goeldner, C.R., & Ritchie, J.R.B. (2009). Tourism. Principles, Practices , Philosophies. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Gonçalves, I., Mascarenhas, M., Sandro, M., & Pereira, M. (2013). Estudo do consumidor de modalidades de ondas na reserva mundial de surf da Ericeira [Study of the consumer of waves in the world surfing reserve of Ericeira]. Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva , 3 (2), 10-22. Institute of Responsible Tourism (2015). World Charter for Sustainable Tourism. Global Sostenible Tourism Council . Retrieved in for-sustainable tourism/. Machado, V. (2010). Direito e Turismo como instrumentos de Poder – os Territórios Turísticos. Santo Tirso [Law and Tourism as Power Instruments- The Tourist Territories] .Santo Tirso: Editorial Novembro. Martin, S.A., & Assenov, I. (2014). Developing a surf resource sustainability index as a global model for surf beach conservation and tourism research. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research , 19 (7), 760-792. Moreira, A. (2014). Teoria das relações internacionais [Theory of International Relations] ,8th edition. Coimbra: Almedina.
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