Sustainable Tourism Law
LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS OF THE WORLD SUMMIT ON SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 457 socio-cultural authenticity, business economic viability, triple principle of economic, social and environmental responsibility of users and surf companies). The remaining nine articles are divided into three dimensions, successively economic (art. II to IV), environmental (art. V to VII) and social (art. VIII to X). Based on the findings reported above, the proposal intends for themunicipality to commit itself to participate in the preparation and elaboration of beach support plans (art. II nr. 3), developing its support activity to surfing based on strategic principles of cooperation (art. III.1) and improvement of public and private participation in the coordination, dissemination and tourism promotion (art. IV.2). Regarding the environmental dimension, the proposal aims to demonstrate that surfing is carried out within a framework of qualifications, support and incentives to protect and enhance environmental resources (art. V nr. 1). In addition, it is advisable to regulate the activity through sport charters (art. VI nr. 2), as well as an annual monitoring of their practices and their environmental impacts (art. VII nr. 4). As for the social dimension, the importance of associating the local community of Aljezur with the benefits of the surfing activity is emphasized, namely, in the creation of direct and indirect employment (art. VIII no. 1), which should be included in the beach support plans, plans for the definition of the rights, duties and responsibilities of surfers (art. IX. nr. 3), as well as in the social development strategy. It is recommended to reinforce citizenship actions, involvement and awareness of local populations towards economic, social and cultural importance of surfing as a tourist product (art. X nr. 2). A stable financial support is recommended in all dimensions (economic, environmental and social, respecting art IV no. 3, VII no. 4 and X no. 3). This is suggested to be obtained through the regulatory creation of municipal taxes or contracted public-private partnerships, legitimized by the purpose of its allocation regarding the actions attained in the highest economic, environmental and social convergence indexes, thus enabling a more effective exercise of municipal government action. As a final analysis, in order to measure the systemic equilibriums of a sustainable local regulation that can operationalize the recommendations for local organizations of the World Summit Sustainable Tourism + 20, we present the strategic lines that balance duration and flexibility as efficient regulation instruments in the municipal charter of Aljezur.
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