Sustainable Tourism Law
444 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW procedures are completed through a registration on the Municipality 31 , which will check the fulfilment of the legal conditions of the property. If the Portuguese authorities do not predict legal regimes capable to stop or, at least, diminish the gentrification phenomena caused by the growth of tourism in Portugal, living in the major Portuguese cities can be strongly affected by, mostly, exclusionary displacement and displacement pressure. Both the traditional hotel industry and short-term touristic house rentals have an important role on displacement pressure issues, as the massive growth of tourism on city centres has led to a proliferation of services linked to tourists (stores, restaurants, etc.), excluding the essential stores and services at affordable prices, necessary to the local communities. On the other hand, the neighbourhood problems caused by shared buildings between long-term residents and tourists on Alojamento Local houses can create a pressure on residents to abandon the areas with higher touristic occupation. To approach the exclusionary displacement, we follow the study “Alojamento Local em Portugal – Qual o Fenómeno?” 32 , produced by Nova University Business School and the Law Faculty of Nova University. On the cited work we can observe figs. 1 and 2 below. Figure 1 represents the estimated evolution of the property’s square meter average renting price on parishes of Lisbon and Oporto, with more alojamento local properties (continuous line above) and less alojamento local properties (dotted line below). Fig.1 Estimated evolution of the property’s square meter average renting price 31 Which is done online through a public registration on the Registo Nacional de Alojamento Local. 32 Crf. Alojamento Local em Portugal – Qual o Fenómeno?, Nova University Business School and Law Faculty of Nova University, 2016.
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