Sustainable Tourism Law

LEGAL PROTECTION OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN BRAZIL 423 Moreover, to the extent that said heritage represents the basic raw material of the tourist economic cycle, the role of the Estate as promoter and agent of incentive of its specific development has also gained constitutional status. In addition, as already provided for in the previous Constitutions, this occurs to maintain the role of normative and regulator agent for economic activities, which in the case of tourism implies the use and occupation of the natural and cultural attractions that make up this raw material. V. GENERAL LAW OF TOURISM The so-called General Tourism Act includes among the objectives of the National Policy of Tourism the promotion of the sustainable planning for tourist activities, promoting the practice of sustainable tourism and implementing the inventory of tourist assets (art. 5, VI, VIII and XIII). Among those of the National Tourism Plan, the most relevant are the ones protecting the environment, biodiversity and cultural heritage of tourist interest, mitigating socio-environmental liabilities caused by tourist activity and encouraging responsible tourism in natural areas (art. 6 th , VII and VIII). However, the last National Tourism Plan divulged by the Ministry of Tourism, in effect for the period of 2013/2016, dedicates only three, from one hundred and sixteen pages, to what it calls Stimulating the Sustainable Development of Tourist Activity. It includes combating the exploitation of children and adolescents in the tourism production chain, integrating associated production into the tourism production chain and promoting community-based tourism, with no mention of the special protection of tourism heritage. Note that there seems to be no harmony between the legal and documentary National Tourism Plan, at least until 2016, since the one effective for the period of 2017/2020 was never published, nor between this and the National Tourism Policy. There also seems to be no harmony between the General Tourism Act and Act 6,513 of 1977, as if the model of areas and locations of tourist interest created and partially implemented by it had ceased to exist. The fact is that, up to now, both coexist without keeping any connection between themselves, despite the fact that they aim at partially common objectives, the sustainable development of tourist activity through the organization of the use of its attractions.