Sustainable Tourism Law
292 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW of Catalonia, and the local councils report the additions, deletions and modifications of the dwellings located in their municipality to the administration of the regional government ( Generalidad de Cataluña ) by using the extranet of the Catalan public administration (platform EACAT) that is managed by the Catalan Open Government Consortium 52 . Some autonomous communities set time limits for the registration: three months – from the formalisation of the declaration of responsibility 53 – or no more than 15 working days 54 . Not all autonomous communities stipulate what kind of acts should be registered ex officio . Some of them indicate that: formalised declarations of responsibility, any modification or alteration affecting the conditions of the tourist dwelling when it was registered, change of owner or manager of the dwelling for tourism use, cessation of operation 55 . Only some autonomous communities set time limits for registering modifications or changes of the data included in the declaration of responsibility: the Canary Islands establish that they must be reported to the corresponding island council within 30 days from the moment of their execution in order to include them in the register 56 , Galicia set a time limit of 10 days 57 . A direct consequence of the registration is the assignment of a registration/ reference code that must be shown in all kind of advertising or promotion by any means 58 . Moreover, some regulations establish as an obligation of information to tourist that the operating business must visibly display the registration number in the tourism register on a notice board located in the main access to the house or by other means 59 . This registration number must be also included in the booking confirmation 60 . The Spanish Federation of Holiday Rentals Associations (FEVITUR) challenged the Decree 113/2015, of 22 May, that passed the regulation on 52 Art. 68 Decree Catalonia. 53 Art. 14 Aragon; Art. 10 La Rioja. 54 Art. 13.3 Canary Islands; Art. 43 Galicia. 55 This is done by the Art. 15 Decree of Aragon, and by Art.17.5 Decree of Castile and Leon. 56 Art 14 Decree Canary Islands. In the same sense we find Asturias, where the operator business must report these circumstances to the tourist administration. Also Art 17.3 Decree Castile and Leon. 57 Art 41 Decree Galicia. 58 Art. 9 Decree Andalusia; Art. 15.2 Decree Aragon; Catalonia Law 2/2014, of 2 January, on Tax, Administrative, Financial and Public Sector Measures, DOGC no.6551, 30 january 2014; Art. 17 Decree Madrid; Art. 14.3 and 27.d) Decree Asturias; Art. 35 Decree Castile and Leon; Art. 7.3 Decree Canary Islands. 59 Art. 18 Decree Castile and Leon. 60 Art. 20 Decree Castile and Leon.
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