Sustainable Tourism Law
288 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW municipal ordinances issued for that purpose, the property owner or manager must require the user, within 24 hours, to leave the dwelling” 33 . Likewise, the draft of the regulation about tourism in Catalonia includes the possibility that the property owner or manager can call law enforcement officials to get help 34 . It also includes the obligation to supply the user with the rules of coexistence agreed upon by the community. These new legal developments, that will soon surface, aim to fight against tourismophobia and the serious coexistence problems between inhabitants and tourists in Barcelona. Third, the recommendation of drafting a set of internal rules with indications about the use and occupancy of dwellings to achieving a good coexistence with the tourists is generally the case. Thus, the rules usually stipulate that the operating companies can establish internal rules that must be immediately available to users 35 . Catalonia is the only autonomous community that lays down the requirement that these rules must be written, at least, in Catalan, Spanish, German, English and French 36 . For its part, the autonomous community of Galicia is the only one that provides the possibility that the tourism entrepreneur apply to the tourism administration for the approval of these rules, in order to ensure that they are in accordance with the tourism regulations 37 . Different rules establish that the users that break the rules of good coexistence can be evicted from the dwelling 38 . Although it is normal that internal rules are related to the promotion of a good coexistence, only the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon explicitly refers to the content of the rules: “One of the most relevant contents of these internal rules are the indications about rules of use and occupancy of common areas and elements in order to achieve a correct coexistence of tourists” 39 . It also includes the obligation of the business to inform the tourist, at the moment of admission, of the existence of internal rules for the tourist accommodation establishment 40 . Sometimes, the regulations also establish the obligation of the owners to ensure compliance with the internal rules of the establishments, when they 33 Art. 68.11 Decree Catalonia 159/2012, of 20 november, DOGC no.6268, 5 december 2012. 34 Art. 221.3 and 7. 35 Decrees Asturias, Catalonia and Galicia. 36 Art. 12 Decree Catalonia. 37 Art. 7.4 Decree Galicia. 38 Art. 16 Asturias and Art. 12 Catalonia and Art. 40.5 Galicia. 39 Art. 19.2 Decree Castile and Leon. 40 Art. 26.1 Decree Castile and Leon.
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