Sustainable Tourism Law
Quality and sustainable tourism development in a context of economic liberalization: guiding principles of tourism policies Alejandro Corral Sastre 1 Universidad CEU- San Pablo de Madrid. ABSTRACT Since the approval of the EU’s Services Directive, Spain has experienced an important period of liberalization of the tourism sector, whose consequences can be very negative for sustainable development and quality. Thus, the transposition of the services directive, as well as the approval of Law 20/2013 to Guarantee the Market Unit (hereinafter, LGMU), have come to radically change the system of administrative control of tourist activities, preventing competent public administrations from limiting uncontrolled growth in the sector. Keywords: Sustainable tourism. Quality. Administrative Law. Public Administration. Neoliberalism. Deregulation. Tourism Policies. Administrative intervention in the economy. Ex ante control. Ex post control. SUMMARY I. – INTRODUCTION; II. –TOURISMAS A COMPLEX PHENOMENON. CONTRADICTORY INTERESTS: THE GREAT PARADOX THAT RESOLVES SUSTAINABLETOURISM; III. – INTENSELIBERALIZATION. AN INVOLUTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SECTOR III.1- Introduction III.2. – The context of LGMU and its relationship with European Union Law III.3. – The scope of application of the LGMU is broader than that of the Services Directive III.4. – Fewer authorizations and ex ante controls III.5. – Responsibility statements and previous communications under suspicion III.6. – Limitation of the concept of “overriding reasons relating to the public interest”: 1 Prof. Dr. Derecho Administrativo
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