Sustainable Tourism Law

CONTENTS 23 I.3. Travel agencies and operators: obligations and prohibitory conduct I.4. The tourist’s right to legal remedies and contract termination II. Sustainable Tourism Mario Carlos Beni Governance for a Sustainable Development in Tourism 733 I. Politics and strategic planning in tourism. Sustainable development II. Social mobilization and community participation III. Sustainability for tourism activity IV. Political and institutional dimension Bibliography Eduardo Moraes Sarmento A legal approach to sustainable development indicators (SDIS) in tourism 745 I. Introduction – a glance at tourism evolution II. The standard sustainability assessment process II. 1. Uncertainty and sustainability III. Assessing the sustainable development indicators - composite indicators III. 1. Indicators Conclusions Bibliography Graciela Güidi The path towards Sustainable Tourism and its projection over education 763 I. The concept of “sustainable tourism” II. The idea of environment III. Tourism “system” IV. Is tourism a scientific discipline? V. Complexity as a new scientific paradigm VI. Postgraduate education in sustainable tourism VII. Summing-up Diego R. Gonzalez Airport, civil aviation and technology legal relationship. Towards the consolidation of airport law 775 I. Airport law II. The airport legal relationship II.1 Aeronautical law, airport law and legal relationship II.2. Structure and elements II.3. Airport 4.0 III. Legal institutes, aeronautical law and airport legal relationship