Sustainable Tourism Law

228 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW customers to the hotel, signed in Paris on 17 December 1962, implemented in Italy by Law No. 316 of 10 June 197 91 , and transposed in Articles 1783 to 1785- quinquies of the Italian Civil Code 92 . The accommodation contract is defined by Art. 1 as “the agreement linking the tourist to the accommodation service provider for the provision of a standaloneaccommodationservice” (Standard1.1, lett. c ),while“Accommodation service provider” is defined as “the tourism service provider who, directly or through an intermediary, sells offers to sell, supplies or undertakes to supply standalone accommodation services” (Standard 1.1, lett. b ). In that regard, it is interesting to highlight how the draft Convention explicitly regulates information obligations (arts. 2 and 3) and the duties of assistance in case of unavoidable circumstances and extraordinary or emergency situations (Article 5), as well as contemplating the hypothesis of “Failure of performance or improper performance” (Article 4). In this regard, it should be noted that the draft framework refers to a sort of dual channel, adjusting some standards (Standard 4.2; Recommended Practice 4.1 and 4.2) and the national legislation regulating the liability of accommodation service providers for the improper performance of obligations resulting from contracts 93 . The result is a natural effect of coordination between the rules of the 1962 Paris Convention, which relate exclusively to the liability of hotel-keepers concerning the goods brought by customers in the hotel, and the provisions of the draft International Convention on the protection of tourists, which has a more general approach and introduces a broad set of rules governing the hotel- 91 The Council of Europe International Convention on the Liability of Hotel-keepers concerning the Property of their Guests has been ratified by 17 States and has been implemented in Italy with the law 10 June 1978, No. 316, of “Ratification and execution of the European convention on the responsibility of hoteliers for things brought by customers in the hotel, with an attachment, signed in Paris on 17 December 1962”. 92 In this field, see U. Carnevali – G. Bonilini, La responsabilità dell’albergatore , in Nuove leggi civ. comm ., 1979, p. 127; V. Geri, La responsabilità civile dell’albergatore , Giuffrè, Milano, 1979; Id., Albergatore (responsabilità del) , in Noviss. Dig. it. , App. I , Utet, Torino, 1980, p. 198; F. Mastropaolo, Il deposito, in Trattato Rescigno , XII, Utet, Torino, 1985, p. 546; M. Bussoletti, voce: Albergo (contratto di) , in Enc. giur. Treccani , I, Roma, 1988; G. Zuddas, Il contratto d’albergo , in G. Ciurnelli – S. Monticelli – G. Zuddas, Il contratto d’albergo, il contratto di viaggio, i contratti del tempo libero , Giuffrè, Milano, 1994; R. Preden, Albergo (contratto di) , in Enc. del dir. App ., II, Giuffrè, Milano, 1998; G. Ciurnelli, Pernottamento e ristorazione , in F. Morandi (ed.), I nuovi contratti , VIII, Tempo libero , Utet, Torino, 2004; G. Zuddas, Il deposito in albergo e nei magazzini generali , in V. Buonocore V. (dir.), Trattato di diritto commerciale , sez. II, t. 3/IV, Giappichelli, Torino, 2006; F.M. D’Ettore – D. Marasciulo, Il contratto d’albergo. Profili civilistici , Giuffrè, Milano, 2008; M.E. La Torre, I contratti di ospitalità , in F. Delfini – F. Morandi (ed.), I contratti del turismo, dello sport e della cultura , Utet, Torino, 2010; among the handbooks, above all, see M.E. La Torre, I contratti di ospitalità , in Franceschelli V. – Morandi F., Manuale di diritto del turismo , cit., p. 299. 93 According to Standard 4.1, “States Parties shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the accommodation service provider is liable to the tourist in accordance with national laws for the proper performance of the obligations under the contract”.