Sustainable Tourism Law
THE UNWTO DRAFT CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION OF TOURISTS 223 2015, “concerning package travel and related tourism services, amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and the Council and abolishing Directive 90/314/EEC of the Council” 68 . Regarding the Convention scheduled to be enforced on 1 July 2018, EU Member States are still engaged in a complex transposition process 69 which, to date, has been finalized only in a limited number of States 70 . The awareness of the need to ensure the highest level of harmonization of the new international rules and the new European order, relating to the package travel contracts and linked tourist services, should help prevent the partial overlap of competing guidelines, closely related to each other, but designed to operate at different levels in part, and to prevent operational problems as well as generate a series of 68 See, among the many contributions, those referred in S. Keiler – F. Morandi, Package travel and assisted travel arrangements: The proposal for a new 2013/11/UE in light of a possible full harmonisation approach , in Riv. it. Dir. tur. , 2014, p. 5 ss., as well as, on the implications related to the new modalities of commercialization of the tourist services, above all, J.M. Bech Serrat, Selling Tourism Services at a Distance: An Analysis of the EU Consumer Acquis , Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012, as well as E. Gómez Calle, En torno a una posible revisión del régimen del viaje combinado , in Cámara Lapuente (ed.) y Arroyo Amayuelas (coord.), La revisión de las normas europeas y nacionales de protección de los consumidores , Madrid, Civitas Thomson Reuters, 2012, p. 385; A. Paniza Fullana, Nuevas fórmulas de comercialización on line de servicios turísticos: subsunción en los tipos legales y distribución de responsabilidad , Editorial Comares, Granada, 2013; M.C. Berenguer Albaladejo, Nuevos horizontes en materia de viajes combinados , in Revista de Derecho Privado , 05/2014, p. 35 ss.; J.D. Camargo Gómez, Contratación electrónica de paquetes dinámicos de turismo en el ordenamiento jurídico español , in Ars Iuris Salmanticensis , 2/2014, p. 95; P. Martínez Espín, Impacto sobre la protección del consumidor de la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a los viajes combinados y los servicios asistidos de viaje, por la que se modifican el reglamento (EC) n.º 2006/2004 y la Directiva 2011/83/EU y por la que se deroga la directiva 90/314/EEC , in Aranzadi civil-mercantil , 9/2014, pp. 99-123; A. Paniza Fullana (ed.), Paquete dinámicos: problemas y soluciones jurídicas desde una perspectiva internacional , Dykinson, Madrid, 2014; A. Paniza Fullana, La Propuesta de Directiva relativa a los viajes combinados y los servicios asistidos de viaje: ¿El reconocimiento de la nueva realidad? , in Aranzadi civil-mercantil , 4/2014, pp. 51-60. 69 With reference to the prospects of transposition in Italy, see, above all, the contributions published in La nuova disciplina europea dei contratti di viaggio , edited by A. Finessi, Jovene, Napoli, 2017, passim , as well as G. Ciurnelli, I contratti del turismo organizzato , in Franceschelli V. – Morandi F., Manuale di diritto del turismo , VI ed., Giappichelli, Torino, 2017, p. 350 ss. For a first approach at the contents of the Directive, also in relation to the Italian legal system, see M. Mazier – C. Cavanna, Introduzione alla nuova direttiva UE in tema di pacchetti turistici e di servizi turistici collegati , in Dir. mar. , 2017, p. 275; F. Morandi, The new european regulation of package travel and linked travel arragements , in Dir. trasp. , 2017, p. 99; G. Rossoni, La Direttiva (EU) 2015/2302 relativa ai pacchetti turistici e ai servizi turistici collegati: una prima lettura , in Riv. it. Dir. tur. , 2017, p. 88; A. Zampone, Riflessioni sulla dir. (UE) 2015/2302 relativa ai pacchetti turistici ed ai servizi turistici collegati , in Dir. trasp ., 2018, p. 1. 70 At the time of writing this Article, the only two European Countries that have implemented the new Directive in their legislation are Austria and Germany, respectively, with the federal law of 24 April 2017, n. 50 (Bundesgesetz, mit dem ein Bundesgesetz über Pauschalreisen und verbundene Reiseleistungen (Pauschalreisegesetz – PRG) erlassen wird sowie das Konsumentenschutzgesetz, das Fern- und Auswärtsgeschäfte-Gesetz und das Verbraucherbehörden-Kooperationsgesetz geändert werden) and with the modification of the BGB Art. §651a and following. For a first analysis, see S. Keiler, Bundesgesetz über Pauschalreisen und verbundene Reiseleistungen (Pauschalreisegesetz – PRG) , cit.; E. Führich, Basiswissen Reiserecht Grundriss des Pauschal und Individualreiserechts , Vahlen, München, 2018; A. Staudinger – R. Ruks, Das neue Pauschalreiserecht – Auswirkungen für Veranstalter und Vertrieb , cit., pag. 2 ss.
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