Sustainable Tourism Law

22 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Hermes Navarro del Valle Sustainable Tourism: the Costa Rica Case 671 I. Introduction II. Tourism sustainability III. Decisive actions IV. National plan for sustainable development V. Certification for tourism sustainability VI. The CST promotes actions that benefit us all VII. Study shows positive impact of CST VIII. What is 100% responsible tourism? IX. How is it achieved? Conclusions Antonia Paniza Fullana Tourist and consumer protection: UNWTO Draft Convention on the Protection of Tourists and on the Rights and Obligations of Tourism Service Providers 681 Summary I. Introduction II. Scope of UNWTO Draft Convention on the Protection of Tourists and on the Rights and Obligations of Tourism Service Providers III. Tourist as consumer in the UNWTO Draft Convention on the Protection of Tourists and on the Rights and Obligations of Tourism Service Providers III.1. In general III.2. Package travel III.3. Accommodation III.4. Assistance in emergency situations Conclusions Andrej Mićović Sustainable tourism development in the Danube region: law and policy 691 I. Overview of the legal and policy framework for sustainable (tourism) development II. Legal and policy framework for sustainable tourism in the Danube region Conclusions Tasman Tam Law on tourism in China - Mainland China and Hong Kong 707 I. Major legislative and regulatory provisions on tourism in mainland China and Hong Kong I.1. Personal or property safety I.2. Duty and liability as a tourist