Sustainable Tourism Law
166 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Better World” of TUI. There are more than 130 labels worldwide, organized according to the global initiative GSCT. IV.3. Pre-contractual information in Regulation (EC) No 2006/2204 There is no stated obligation for a pre-contractual information of the traveller in Regulation(EC)No2006/2204, aboutpackage travel andlinkedtravel arrangements. The tour-operator and the retailer shall provide the traveller with the information about the location and, where applicable, the tourist category of the accommodation (Art. 5 No 1 lit a iii). But this tourist category mentioned in the Regulation is not similar to green labels of private organisations in the field of tourism. IV.4. Certification in Germany In Germany there is no official classification or label by the Federal Countries or by the Federal Government in Berlin. Therefore, there is a “jungle” of sustainable tourism labels. To make the confusion even more evident, the labels also differ in the selection of criteria and their examination. Some institutions focus on ecological standards, but don’t include social aspects. Some companies are inspected locally, while other certifiers only check the websites. Here you can find six certificates of the ranking of the Federal German Association “Die Verbraucher Initiative e. V” 16 . (1) TourCert The non-profit GmbHTourCert was founded in 2009. TourCert certified more than 140 companies and organizations in Europe. Not only sustainability aspects within accommodations are assessed, seeing as the label also includes leisure activities and educational campaigns in the region 17 . (2) BioHotels The label of the association BioHotels certifies more than 100 hotels in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Greece and Slovenia. As the name implies, it ensures that food and drinks are sourced as locally as possible and come from certified organic farming. A yearly check is performed to see whether these accommodations still meet the sustainability requirements 18 . 16 17 18
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