Sustainable Tourism Law
TOURISM AND HERITAGE:THE ROLE OF THE WIDESPREAD HOTEL 157 of the enterprise and, therefore, of the economic activity that accompanies it. Hence, according to further additions, even if it is true that the interests of production respond to social purposes, there must be no generalization of this principle 52 , as well as the combination of freedom systems, based on the culture of efficiency, with guarantee systems, expression of solidarity, where the subsidiary and voluntary intervention of the private sector, following the redistribution of risk, assumes solidarity as a peculiar value towards public intervention 53 . Particularly, a careful historical analysis shows that profit (like the income nowadays turned into profit from fertility) represents one of the most powerful motivations of production, therefore one of the most important “endogenous” factors of productivity. Profit, therefore, becomes the means to guarantee the remuneration and the preservation of capital and the instrument to increase the remuneration of labour and to produce satisfactory interests for the loan capital 54 . As noted above, however, consumer freedom and competition between producers guarantee that profit can be generated only on the condition that companies are able to make their own the factors for productivity that become, therefore, also essential factors for profit; and this makes it vital for companies to invent new businesses, explore new markets for old products or invent new products for old needs and new needs, as well as goods to create new aspirations. But in order to develop adequate levels of profit, with the aim to remain in the combinatorial system – which tends to become international, if not “global” –, companies, as systems of entrepreneurial transformation, must act according to one of these two ways: increase the productivity, that is to look for productive or transformative efficiency, or increase their “contractual strength”, with the possibility of controlling the prices, that is to search for external or negotiation efficiency. The second way, the increase in selling prices or reduction of purchase prices, is difficult to get through: consumer freedom, antitrust laws aimed at guaranteeing freedom of initiative, economic incentives for restructuring, associations of workers and consumers, and so on prevent its long-term viability. All that remains is the first path, the strongest, the way where the chance of increasing productivity can become long-lasting: the search for the economy of a business through the 52 In fact, it is a regulation that manifests its programmatic intent precisely by overcoming a purely guaranteed concept of savings in favor of the credit function. 53 it is necessary, however, to let solidarity also rise to the role of a founding criterion for the implementation of forms of risk distribution so that it may be possible to consider the increase in welfare as a necessary consequence of the increase in productivity. 54 The problem of identifying the propulsive function of profit for the development of productivity within the ethical problem of its distribution must not be confused.
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