Sustainable Tourism Law
150 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW one hand, you can find new products that best meet the needs of consumers and thus obtain the best price/quality ratio, a factor that becomes instrumental in allocating more wealth to the most disadvantaged. “Competence and Competition are the most efficient generators of solidarity” 29 . Consequently, just like it happens in science and democracy, and even in the economy, competition is the highest form of collaboration. The English philosopher J. Stuart Mill has asserted that: “competition is for the benefit of the workers, reducing the cost of the articles they consume themselves”. The words of the English philosopher appear to be nothing short of clear and far-sighted if we think that competition generates solidarity because it allows us to find the best solutions to human needs with the least expenditure of economic/financial resources. As mentioned above, however, the link between market economy and solidarity also emerges under another different profile.The market has historically been presented as the most suitable instrument to produce wealth 30 , this has become instrumental to increase the share to be allocated through efficient social policies that are able to protect the most disadvantaged people. From the considerations outlined above, it is clear that it is necessary to redefine the relationship between the State and the market before taking any other action, setting as the main goal the configuration of a control system based on the fundamental ethical values of human dignity, social equality and fair competition, which can be stimulating and, at the same time, minimize waste, corruption and inefficiency in the public sector, the main supporters of the antagonistic view of the role of the State compared to the market. Therefore, the goal that we set for ourselves is anything but modest, but we must be aware that we do not find ourselves in front of a utopia, but rather, the only road that can lead back to a national economic revival. The market is the main generator of wealth, but the “ distribution of it” 31 must be a duty of the State, which by relying on the fundamental values of man, of the environment and of the artistic and cultural heritage protection, must transform the productive investment (instrumental to the market logic) into social investment to be allocated to the most disadvantaged. However, the market, as a meeting place between supply and demand for goods and services, 29 Ibidem. 30 Adam Smith Indagine sulla natura e le cause della ricchezza delle nazioni ( An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations ), 9 marzo 1776. 31 Elena Marchesoni Schmid “LA DISTRIBUZIONE DELLA RICCHEZZA” newspaper article on internet.
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