Sustainable Tourism Law

TOURISM AND HERITAGE:THE ROLE OF THE WIDESPREAD HOTEL 143 The synergies used for such peculiar hotel provision also have characteristic values 16 , as the performance cannot be reduced to a simple obligation to provide an offer, but it must encompass a range of services that, besides distinguishing themselves according to their organizational unit, are identified for the authenticity (quality of the place offered) and the artistic and architectural heritage that, combined, represent the ultimate result of the tourist product. Consequently, this new form of hotel business is characterized by unparalleled distinctive features, since it not only shows a preoccupation regarding the enhancement of its circumstances, but it is also useful to create an innovative synallagmatic and harmonious relationship between material and immaterial values 17 , between environmental protection and the needs of the tourist, while at the same time proposing sources of economic growth in terms of entrepreneurship. To prove what has been said, we think that with this new form of tourist/hotel business it is possible to fill the gaps that block the growth of a given location and create new forms of employment, creating a rise in the level of competitiveness. And all this will happen while keeping in line with the concept of tourist sustainability provided by the Community policy 18 , which can be found in the EC Council Decision of 13 July 1992 16 F. ADORNATO, Sviluppo integrato e risorse del territorio. Un caso di studio nel Piceno , F. Angeli, Milano, 2008, p. 90 ss., emphasizes that in tourism the tourist product is the territory as a whole that is the entire territory as a value agglomeration in which the values markers become the weave of the value mosaic that must strive for excellence. Tourism as a bond to the territory refer also to E. MINNEI, Il turismo tra diritto pubblico e privato , in V. FRANCESCHELLI, F. MORANDI, Manuale del diritto del turismo , V ed., Torino, 2013. 17 In the approach to the tourist market, the territory is constantly considered the product and the tourists the consumers of that product. Consequently, in most cases, in recounting and remembering a tourist stay, a larger and prioritized space is given to the duration and modalities of travel, the quality and quantity of the food, the reception and the validity of the structure accommodation. Only later on, the story relates to natural and cultural resources according to the report of the tourist tour guide or read on the illustrative deplians . Sensitivity to environmental problems is solicited only when bad environmental conditions disturb the use and stay of the holiday; on the obstacles towards the development of sustainable tourism, cf. T. ROMITA, Il turismo sostenibile e l’impatto sull’ambiente del turismo che non appare , in A. SAVELLI, Spazio turistico e società globale , Milano, F. Angeli, 2008, pp. 88 ss.; sulle esigenze turistiche e la salvaguardia ambientale, cfr. A. CROSETTI, Risorse naturali e turismo alla ricerca di un difficile equilibrio , in Dir. Tur ., 2005, 1134 ss also on the territory and its identity, whose character derives from the action of natural and human factors and their interrelations, cf. D. lgs. 26 marzo 2008, n. 63, in G.U. 9 aprile 2008, n. 84, “ Ulteriori disposizioni integrative e correttive del decreto legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42, in relazione al paesaggio ”. 18 The development of a region depends on the competitiveness of its territory and therefore on the ability to find a successful strategic position that will enable a competitive advantage in the long run. A territorial governance that sees a set of local factors: the private sector, social partners, associative world and civil society as a whole. On the Community framework on tourism see, cf. L. RIGHI, La dimensione comunitaria del turismo ed il suo impatto nell’ordinamento italiano , in Riv. it. dir. pubbl. com ., 1992, pp. 331 ss.; M. FUMAGALLI MERAVIGLIA, Politiche e strategie internazionali per un turismo al crocevia delle sfide globali , in L. DEGRASSI, V. FRANCESCHELLI (a cura di), Turismo: diritto e diritti , cit., particolare par. 4; M. FRAGOLA, L’azione comunitaria in materia di turismo , in V. FRANCESCHELLI e F. MORANDI, Manuale di diritto del turismo , III ed., Torino, 2007, p. 28 ss..