Sustainable Tourism Law
140 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Such an activity, however, requires an appropriate methodological effort, which is capable of preserving both the intellectual capital category (in its aesthetic, historical, social, primitive, customs, authenticity and spirituality) and the tangible capital category (economic value of services). In other words, since cultural heritage falls within the category of common goods, we must find a balance between the reorganization and organization of the overall structure of the urban context. This is because they are tools for implementing the inviolable rights of the person, who have enhanced protection in this legal system. II. THE WIDESPREAD HOTEL AS A FORM OF RECLAMATION OF A TERRITORY FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE LOCAL ECONOMY According to the majority doctrine and jurisprudence, the hotel contract is an atypical contract form 8 , while, according to the minority, it would fall into the category of mixed contract 9 , in which the synthesis of the essential effects could be found, as the structural and functional elements of certain contractual figures meet (lease, contract, supply, work). They are, in fact, contractual figures, all of which have a common denominator capable of combining some characters and functions that, in tandem with each other, would give rise to the hotel contract. According to the classic definition (generally accepted), the hotel contract also applies when the host undertakes to provide to the client, subject to a predetermined price, a range of other services in addition to the 8 C. NOTARSTEFANO, Lineamenti privatistici delle attività turistiche , Bari, 1998, p. 27: “From the definition relating to the hotel contract, the essentiality of the accommodation’s performance is evident, on which all the other more or less accessory services (food, storage, services, etc.) are coordinated and aimed at improving the stay and, consequently, it is unsuitable to uniquely characterize the case” ; C. CRISCUOLI, Il contratto, itinerari normativi e riscontri giurisprudenziali, Padova , 1996, p. 26; D. MANTUCCI, Responsabilità dell’albergatore , in Dig. Civ . XVII, 1998, p. 226; while, according to V. GERI, Albergatore (responsabilità) , in Noviss. dig. it ., Appendice, I, Torino, 1980, p. 198 e ss., “the plurality of services around the main obligation represented by the accommodation has provided scholars with the best appeals for the different interpretations about the framing of a shop, which undeniably denied the typicality”; G. IORIO, Natura del contratto di albergo e prestazioni accessorie , in Nuova giur . Civ. comm ., 2002, I, pp. 22 ss., he asks whether the relationship between the hotelier and the client originates from a single contract or a plurality of contracts. 9 M. DEIANA, I contratti per l’alloggio nel pacchetto turistico , in S. BUSTI – A. SANTUARI (a cura di), Attività alberghiere e di trasporto nel pacchetto turistico all inclusive: le forme di tutela del turista-consumatore, Trento, 2006, p. 54, states that: “basically, in the hotel contract, an atypical figure, naturally onerous, a series of typical negotiating figures are agreed, such as leasing, in contract work and frequently for the supply of food and drinks.”; G. CIURNELLI, La conclusione del contratto di albergo , in Dir. Tur ., 2006, pp. 15 ss.; ID., Il contratto di albergo, in I nuovi contratti nella prassi civile e commerciale , a cura di P. CENDON, Torino, 2003, pp. 243 ss. In giurisprudenza, cf. anche Cass. civ., 28 november 1994, n, 1058, in Arch. Loc ., 1995, pp. 347 ss.; Cass. civ., 24 luglio 2000, n. 9662, ne I Contratti , 2001, p. 118, con nota di V. TIMPANO; Cass. civ., 20 gennaio 2005, n. 1150, in Dir. Tur . 2005, pp. 267 ss.
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