Sustainable Tourism Law

138 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW where to invest their leisure time 2 . In other words, the goal of politics and lawmakers must be to promote sustainable exploitation of local resources in order to strengthen the supply of hospitality, attracting at the same time new forms of long-term investment, which are useful to enhance the initiatives of a topical nature and able to foster the participation of tourists who are interested in discovering new forms of tourism. Forms characterized by authenticity and those that tend to improve the quality of life, as well as marking free time with personal and fulfilling content, where the spiritual aspects discover a new style of expression and feeling, or ways to relate with the world and with others 3 . In other words, the tourist must be able to experience a strong interaction with the surrounding place and with the people who populate it, learning their history and way of living. By doing so, through the tourist offer, it stimulates the person’s curiosity and will satisfy a category of users no longer standardized 4 . The process of globalization, in fact, has a strong impact on the tourism phenomenon, as it involves imported redistributive effects, involving different sectors, social classes, territories and productive factors. Moreover, the evolution of tourism demand (seeking new values whose content can be analysed in terms of authenticity and experience) has become a kind of spokesman for emerging tourismsegments linked to environmental contexts. It is therefore tangible for the strong attraction that travellers show for the territory and the strong desire for contact to come through (guaranteed by the commitment that different cultural and associative expressions can propose as a strategic key) 5 . Consequently, by changing the way of working with and interpreting tourism, new forms of hospitality and receptivity can arise that not only open 2 The interventions for the protection and enhancement of artistic and cultural heritage have an economic and social impact in the territorial context of reference, creating the prerequisites for local development, which in many cases also generates growth in the tourism sector. Even the technology sector plays an important role; information tools are an important element not only to spread the culture but also to promote artistic and cultural products and make them accessible. For example, through the consultation of museums’ websites, it is possible to make a virtual visit to their works, although this differs considerably from being able to view a work of art directly, as it is emotionally more engaging. 3 On the symbolic meaning of the journey, transformation model and experience of change and its ability to influence the course of history, cf. E. J. LEED, La mente del viaggiatore , trad. it., Bologna, 1992 ( The Mind of the Traveler, from Gilgamesh to Global Tourism , New York, 1991). 4 For a closer look at the effects of globalization on tourism, see F. BENCARDINO, I. GRECO, Ripensare il rapporto tra turismo e territorio , in F. BENCARDINO, M. PREZIOSO, Geografia del turismo , Mc Graw-Hill, Milano, 2007; F. BENCARDINO, Turismo e territorio. L’impatto economico e territoriale del turismo in Campania , in F. Angeli, Milano, 2010. 5 G. DALL’ARA, Manuale dell’albergo diffuso. L’idea, la gestione, il marketing dell’ospitalità diffusa , F. Angeli, 2015; G. DALL’ARA, F. MORANDI, Il turismo nei borghi: la normativa, il marketing, e i casi di eccellenza. Nuova giuridica Kindustria , Matelica, 2010; F. MARANGON, S. TRAIANO, Sviluppo economico locale e turismo sostenibile in Friuli Venezia Giulia , Editrice Universitaria Udinese Forum, 2013.