Sustainable Tourism Law
136 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW it, learning its history and habits. This way, through the tourist offer, the curiosity of the person is stimulated and satisfies a category of users that is no longer standardized. Moreover, by changing the way of working and interpreting tourism, new forms of hospitality and reception can be born, allowing not only to open the doors and spread the culture of “sustainable tourism”, but also to protect, recover and enhance the existing heritage, in its different ways, in specific rural and/or urban contexts. Taking this perspective, the receptive model of the Widespread Hotel is the prototype of a new form of hospitality. A model, able to walk alongside the traditional figures of hospitality, but standing out from the traditional forms of hospitality, considering the emblematic style that characterizes it, as it offers the tourist in addition to the main accommodation, accessory and other services, which are strictly connected to the territory and in line with the shapes, the times and the rhythms of the offer. I. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HISTORICAL, ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR THE PROMOTION AND VALORISATION OF THE TOURISM SECTOR Tourism, because of the plurality of areas involved and considering the interests and values it encompasses, as well as being one of the most important sectors of the world economy as a whole, is, above all, an invaluable prerogative of any spatial culture. As proof of this, think of the plurality of values that modern society expresses, in line with the various forms of ideological, social and technological progress. Values that are present in tourism, understood as a (mainly) social phenomenon, with which it tries to meet different interests (knowledge, interaction, discovery, cultural enrichment and inner growth) and related to motivations that lead men to look for new elements in a world that is closer and more open to the exchange of cultures among people. In this context, the cultural, historical and artistic heritage of each territorial area has an importance which is not only fundamental to the affirmation of the tourism sector but, above all, it is capable of generating a boost which, (if implemented through the proper management of natural resources) can help the development of the country, favouring a radical transformation process. We cannot remain indifferent to the possibility of
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