Sustainable Tourism Law
130 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW 14) Facilitate identification by the European tourism industry of risks linked to climate change, in order to avoid unprofitable investments and explore opportunities for developing and supplying alternative tourism services. 15) Propose a charter for sustainable and responsible tourism and establish a European prize for tourism businesses and destinations respecting the values set out in the charter. 16) Propose a strategy for sustainable coastal and marine tourism. 17) Establish or strengthen cooperation between the European Union, the main emerging countries (China, Russia, India, Brazil) and Mediterranean countries to promote sustainable and responsible tourism development models and the exchange of best practices. According to BENAVIDES, after the recognition of the tourism sector in the Treaty of Lisbon, the European tourism policy will focus on promoting competitiveness and sustainability, which, in turn, are priority objectives of the EU economic strategy (Europe 2020). II.11. A European strategy for better growth and employment of coastal and maritime tourism On February 20, 2014, the European Commission adopted the communication entitled “ European Strategy for more Growth and Jobs in Coastal and Maritime Tourism ”[COM (2014) 86 final], submitting a new strategy to improve this type of tourism in Europe and take advantage of the potential of this promising sector. The Commission has identified 14 measures that may contribute to the sustainable growth of the sector and give a new impetus to the European coastal regions. Among other things, it proposes the development of an online guide with an overview of the main funding opportunities available for the sector (particularly SMEs) and support the development of transnational and interregional partnerships, networks, clusters and smart specialisation strategies. The implementation of these measures will be carried out jointly by the member states, regional and local administrations and the tourism sector. Some examples of these measures are: promotional and communication campaigns, promote a pan-European dialogue between cruise operators, ports and coastal tourism stakeholders, development of transnational and interregional
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