Sustainable Tourism Law
120 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW and semi-natural habitats in the Alps was adopted. The Resolution was related to the increasing summer and winter tourism in these areas. II.3. The Community Action Plan for Tourism On March 26, 1991, the Commission approved the Proposal for a Decision of the Council on a Community Action Plan for Tourism [COM (91) 97 final], which shows an attempt to strengthen the links between tourism and the environment, proposing a series of complementary measures to: 1) Promote the development of inventories of tourist resources of the Member States. 2) Award an environmental prize. 3) Create a code of good tourist behaviour. 4) Encourage the development of a practical guide aimed at professionals, to be taken into account when creating products and tourist facilities. 5) Exchange of experiences in the management of visitors. 6) Support for environmental tourism pilot projects. The European Parliament (Resolution of February 14, 1992) approved the Plan with many modifications and, it was also subject to an Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee. Subsequently, the Commission amended its initial proposal [COM (92) 130 final], containing the previous reports. On 27 May 1992, the Commission adopted another Communication on Community policies and measures in the tourism sector [SEC (92) 701 final]. The structure of the report corresponds to that of the Action Plan, so that Section 1 deals with the general actions related to the completion of an internal market, while Section 2 covers the indirect actions deriving from the implementation of certain Community policies (e.g. environmental policy). This document is complementary to another, entitled “ Community interventions on tourism ”, which introduces the framework of the actions undertaken so far. Finally, the Decision 92/421/EEC of the Council, of July 13, 1992 about a Community action plan to assist tourism, with a duration of three years, from January 1, 1993 was published. Recital eight has special emphasis: tourism in the Community will have to show consideration for local populations and for the natural and cultural environment in order to improve the quality of services offered . The Annex proposes a series of actions to ensure that the environment is taken into account by the tourism sector: support for initiatives aimed at
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