Sustainable Tourism Law
118 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW 3) With regard to air pollution, Directive of July 15, 1980 on air quality limit values and guiding values for sulphur dioxide and suspended particulates, accompanied by a Resolution on transboundary air pollution of these same pollutants, and the Directive of June 29 1978, concerning the lead content of petrol. 4) Finally, on environmental noise, which is also harmful to tourism, Council Directive of February 6, 1970 , amended in 1973 and 1981 to take into account technical progress, states the permissible sound level for the different categories of motor vehicles intended for use on the road. The Communication from the Commission on Community action in the tourism sector [COM (86) Final], with the presence of Spain and Portugal, includes among the Community objectives, the achievement of a better distribution of tourism in time and space and proposes three new types of tourism in order to do it: “social”, “cultural” and “rural”. To complete this action, the Commission also included studies and projects to analyse, among other issues, the recreational infrastructures and their potential demand, environmental risks, transportation flows and the concentration of European’s vacation time. In 1990, the document “ Tourism in the European Community” 4 , gives an opinion on the environmental impact of tourism development in the following terms: “The conservation of the environment, the correct use of industrial waste, the prevention of pollution, etc., are some of the priorities to be considered for the benefit of the tourism sector. ACommunity policy in this regard, therefore seems fundamental... Tourism is, increasingly, a growth in the harnessing of nature. In other words, tourism must return to nature a part of what it is received. The success of many tourism initiatives depends on air quality and water purity. Therefore, all tourism development shall be subject to rigorous control of Directive 337/85/EEC, regarding the assessment of the effects of both public and private environmental projects. Under this control, the natural places of interest must be preserved intact, building tourist infrastructures at a convenient distance ...”. II.2. The European Year of Tourism On January 22, 1988, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the facilitation, promotion and consolidation of tourism in the Community (OJEC C-49/157 of February 22, 1988) and, under Greek presidency, the Council 4 Bulletin EEC / 6, 1990.
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