Sustainable Tourism Law
CONTENTS 11 Francesco Torchia Tourism and heritage: the role of the Widespread Hotel 135 Summary Abstract I. The importance of the historical, artistic and cultural heritage for the promotion and valorisation of the tourism sector II. The Widespread Hotel as a form of reclamation of a territory for the sustainability of the local economy III. Solidarity as a prerequisite for overcoming the dichotomy between free market and social policies IV. Adjusting the market economy: the difficult but essential balance between ethics, law and business V. The role of the company in determining the efficiency of the contemporary economic system Ernst Führich Umbrella label for booking sustainable tourism services 161 I. Problem II. Sustainable tourism II. 1. Definition II. 2. United Nations International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development II. 3. Intention of the article II. 4. Stakeholders in tourism III. Interest in sustainable travel offers III. 1. Traders of green economy III. 2. Tourists IV. Sustainable certification IV. 1. Need IV. 2. Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) IV. 3. Pre-contractual information in Regulation (EC) No 2006/2204 IV. 4. Certification in Germany V. Label of the project green travel transformation V. 1. Seven labels in one V. 2. Bistro Portal by Traveltainment V. 3. Labelling in travel brochures Silvia Feliu The binding force of legislative instruments for sustainable tourism law 171 Abstract I. Legislative instruments on sustainable tourism II. Legislative technique use in the matter of sustainable tourism III. Reasons to legislate sustainable tourism through Soft Law
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