Sustainable Tourism Law
10 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW XII. The role of the Law Abstract Final remarks: the future role of tourism law Michael Wukoschitz Sustainable tourism and consumer protection – perfect match or contradiction? 101 I. Introduction II. Sustainability in travel and tourism III. Directive 2015/2302/EU on Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements IV. Draft UNWTO Convention on the Protection of Tourists and the Rights and Obligations of Tourism Service Providers V. UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism – Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics Conclusions Francisco Javier Melgosa Arcos Evolution of sustainability in the European Union tourism policy 113 I. Introduction II. Environment and tourism in European policy II. 1. First documents II. 2. The European Year of Tourism II. 3. The Community Action Plan for Tourism II. 4. The Commission Green Paper on the role of the European Union in Tourism II. 5. The failure of the “Philoxenia” programme (1997-2000) to assist European Tourism II. 6. Conclusions of the High Level Group on Tourism and Employment II. 7. Recognition of the European tourism potential. Agenda for a Sustainable and Competitive European tourism II. 8. Europe 2020, a Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth II. 9. The EU Seventh Environment Program: living well, within the limits of our planet II. 10. Europe, the world’s number one tourist destination: a new political framework for tourism in Europe II. 11. A European strategy for better growth and employment of coastal and maritime tourism Conclusions Bibliography
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