Derecho del Turismo en las Américas

70 DERECHO DEL TURISMO EN LAS AMÉRICAS the regions, or with reference to the so called “concurrent competence”, with the background of the EU community rules. This complex system of sources raises the – theoretical – theme of an optimal regulation, which, once again, connects to the theme of overcoming the traditional distinction between private and public principles. Presently, the comparative analysis shows a tendency to a plurality of sources, not coordinated with each other. In Italy, for example, we shall make reference to the so‑called Tourism Code, which, despite the nomen , contains a partial regulation of the Tourist activities, finding the main rules in the Consumer Code. All these are only partial sources because numerous provisions are disseminated in the juridical system. The hope advanced in the doctrine – or the “omen” – is that Tourism Law is gathered in a consolidated law – that highlights the peculiarities of tourism activities, in a coordinated vision. Not an easy task, but certainly a desirable goal. This desirable unity has already been achieved at a didactic level – in the classes held in many universities of the World, Tourism Law is taught and studied in its unity, in all its components. 6. Undoubtedly, tourism has an international vocation, which influences it and, in turn, is influenced by it, and the international conventions mentioned above demonstrate this. The UNWTO (United NationsWorldTourismOrganization), for instance, proves this in the activities made since 1970, collecting and processed data, as well as coordinating tourism policies. In a certain sense, with its activity, it has given impetus to a soft law , which influenced the legislation of many States. The international vocation is also demonstrated by the fact (of political nature) that, by now, almost every State in the World, if not all, have opened up to tourism, beginning to set themselves rules on tourism. Even the reluctance of some States that preferred splendid isolation, closing themselves to tourist flows, has been overcome. EU Community Law has played (and still plays) a role in Europe. However, this unifying element is missing in Latin America, although Latin American doctrine knows the European Union Law, and is inspired by it and its practical experiences. Moreover, Latin America has, in its own, other elements of unity in the concepts of Law: the Roman Law tradition and the ties with the great European codifications of the 19 th century. This is proved, for example, on the one hand, by the Chilean Civil Code of 1857 by Andres Bello and by the