Derecho del Turismo en las Américas
©Carlos Torres, F. Javier Melgosa Arcos, JoséTudela Aranda, Sergio Castel Gayán, Vincenzo Franceschelli, Patricia Benavides Velasco, Diego R. González, Graciela Güidi, Diego Benítez, Santiago Aramburu, Eugenio del Busto, Gonzalo A. Casanova Ferro, Flavia Andrea Medina, Allan Kuster, T. Jennifer Edwards, Earlston Mcphee, Ministry of Tourism and International Transport of Barbados, Magaly Arze López, José Rodolfo Téllez Flores, Sandra Salinas Baldivieso, Claudia Lima Marques, Ardyllis Alves Soares, Joandre Antonio Ferraz, Marcelo Oliveira, Mariza Rios, Stella de Moura Kleinrath, Mario Carlos Beni, Edgardo Marcelo Lovera Riquelme, Esteban Szmulewicz Ramírez, Arturo Aliaga Grez, Alfredo Soto Ortega, Anggie Flies Añón, Christian García Castillo, Nicolás Cobo Romaní, Carlos Mario Molina Betancur, Fabio Londoño Gutiérrez, Hermes Navarro del Valle, Sheila Sánchez Bergara, Andria Fuentes Cañizo, Freddy Andrés Hung Gil, Mateo Estrella Durán, Ana Elizabeth Villalta Vizcarra, Mario Martínez Sandoval, Héctor Morales, Gabriela Roca, Maria Luisa Garzaro, Tatiana Siercke, Alex Sanchez, Ventura Enrique Mota Flores, Denis Ivan Rojas Lanuza, Nicolás Manuel Sánchez Pérez, Elvi Marina Ortega Sáez, Weldon W. Black Zaldivar, Roberto Ruiz Díaz Labrano, Carlos Eduardo Armas Morales, Iván La Riva Vegazzo, Carmen Martínez Arnaud, Romina Santroni, Robin Montano, Julio Facal, Claudia Madrid Martínez, Eugenio Hernández‑Bretón and Lenin José Andara Suárez. ISBN: 978‑989‑99955‑8‑1 All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. A written permission must also be obtained before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. This work is published for general guidance only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the text, the publishers and authors can accept no responsibility for the consequences of any errors, however caused. This edition was published in 2020 by ESHTE, alongside with other universities and institutions. ESHTE – Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies Av. Condes de Barcelona, n.º 808 2769‑510 Estoril Portugal English, Portuguese and Spanish review: Gonçalo Vagos Diniz and Rosa Leite Structural revision: Marta Ferreira and Tomás Torres Typeset by Gráfica 99 Printed and bound by VASP Dep. legal n.º 475357/20
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