Derecho del Turismo en las Américas

568 DERECHO DEL TURISMO EN LAS AMÉRICAS Francia 114 , recomendando la oportunidad y “feasibility” de la Propuesta, y un posterior, más corto, examinando las Convenciones de la Haya, del consultor, Dr. Nino Sievi, de Suiza 115 . El report de Emmanuel Guinchard concluye: “that work on the Tourism Project is desirable; is feasible; and that the work of the HCCH and UNWTO neither overlaps nor is it incompatible ”, y que “ the work by the two organizations in this area would be complementary ” 116 . Además identifica un vacío legal sobre el tema y dificultades del turista internacional de acceso a la justicia, que no son rellenadas ni por las convenciones de la Haya, ni por las propuestas de convenciones de la UNWTO, afirmando: “ Evidence collected up to 1 December 2018 demonstrates that the average tourist may face several difficulties in his access to justice. These may include: • An information gap: Tourists often seem unaware of their rights and legal remedies. There is a lack of express and systematic dissemination of relevant information and assistance. Even pro‑active tourists may find it difficult to identify information. This information gap may lead to a denial of justice in practice. • An inability to use mediation / conciliation beyond the stay in the visited country: Mediation / conciliation is generally regarded as the most appropriate / proportionate method to resolve small claims (arguably a major proportion of tourists’ claims). This method seems often available in theory, however may be unavailable in practice for two main reasons. First, physical presence is required by law, and the use of distance communication tools to substitute physical presence is impossible, leading to an unavailability, or discontinuance, of mediation / conciliation, especially where the stay in the visited country is of insufficient length, or where a return, while available, would not be reasonable. Secondly, 114 Véase ‘Study on the desirability and feasibility of further work on the Proposal on a Draft Convention on Co‑operation and Access to Justice for International Tourists’, ‘Final Report of the Experts’ Group on the Co‑operation and Access to Justice for International Tourists (Tourism Project)’, 2018, pp. 30‑31, en: projects/legislative‑projects/protection‑of‑tourists. 115 Sobre la primera versión del informe (“ Report on International Instruments and Principles Relevant to the Tourism Project as well as Possible Grounds of Jurisdiction for Matters Relating to International Tourists ” of Dr. Nino Sievi) he escrito: “1. Concluding that there a gap in the legal framework due to inadmissibility of commencing or continuing legal proceedings from abroad (Nr. 21: “A tourist is often not able to commence or pursue a legal case in a foreign jurisdiction ”) and reinforcing the findings of Dr. Guinchard´s Report. 2. Remembering that the Hague Conference is the right forum to establish methods of co‑operation also in civil and commercial international cases, like the international tourists (Nr. 22, 23, 32, 33, 36, 44, 45, 46, 49, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61, 62, 81, 82)…” . 116 Fuente: ‑ila_sd_en1.pdf.