Derecho del Turismo en las Américas
Hacia a una Protección Global para los Consumidores – Turistas 567 Dos reuniones de expertos gubernamentales fueran organizadas por el Bureau Permanent , del 28 al 31 de agosto de 2018 112 y del 3 al 6 de septiembre de 2019. La primera reunión de expertos examinó el Report de Emmanuel Guinchard, afirmando: “ 19. If a new instrument were to be developed, the Experts identified a number of possible expected values such instrument might add. These included that tourists might be able to obtain appropriate information, including in a language they understand, to ascertain and understand their rights, and the potentially available options to seek redress. It might also provide cooperation mechanisms among suitable bodies that can work in a concerted manner to facilitate the resolution of complaints, with a view to guaranteeing access to justice in the broadest sense, including through alternative dispute resolution, in a non‑ discriminatory way. The instrument might also have a preventive effect. Finally, it might create an official record of the complaint, including for subsequent use abroad ”, identificando algunos costos: “ 21. Some Experts observed that the development of a new instrument will also have some cost implications for the HCCH ”. Esta acabó sugiriendo la posibilidad de una soft law , así como de un Protocolo autónomo a la Convención de Acceso a la Justicia de 1980 de la Conferencia de la Haya: “ 22. Should the HCCH decide to develop a possible new instrument in this area, some Experts expressed support for that being a hard law instrument. Others suggested that it could be a soft law instrument instead, noting that such instrument could eventually lead to a hard law instrument in the future ” 113 . En conclusión, afirmó la necesidad de continuar el grupo de expertos: “ 5. The Experts’ Group recommends to the CGAP that it mandates the Experts’ Group to continue its work, with a view to assessing the need for, the nature (soft law and hard law options) and the key elements of, a possible new instrument ”. La segunda reunión, en 2019, indicó la necesidad de un estudio extra, sobre los principios de las demás Convenciones de la Haya y las posibilidades del tema. Así, fueran realizados dos estudios de consultores contratados por la Conferencia de la Haya para verificar la viabilidad y oportunidad del llamado “Tourism Project’. Un primero estudio más profundo del Consultor Dr. Emmanuel Guinchard, de 112 Véase Aide Memoire prepared by the Chair of that Meeting, Ambassador Bucheli, Annex I to Prel. Doc. No 3 of October 2018, accesible en:‑ projects/protection‑of‑tourists. 113 ‘Final Report of the Experts’ Group on the Co‑operation and Access to Justice for International Tourists (Tourism Project)’, 2018, accesible en: ‑projects/protection‑of‑tourists.
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