Derecho del Turismo en las Américas
430 DERECHO DEL TURISMO EN LAS AMÉRICAS Types of Duty Free Concessions Granted at Each Stage a) Interim Approval of a Tourism Project This stage caters for those tourism projects or proposed projects that involve physical development or enhancement of the structure. At this stage, only building supplies and materials can be accessed free of duty on approval of the application. b) Final Approval of a Tourism Project This stage is a transitional one, therefore no concessions are granted at this stage. c) Application for a Licence to Operate a Tourism Product This stage caters to the provision of operational items that are required to efficiently manage the tourism product’s day to day operations. These items include, but are not limited to, appliances, furniture and sports/recreational equipment. Income Tax Concessions Income Tax Concessions are also granted to investors up to 150% for a range of expenses such as: a) Refurbishment and upgrading of a hotel or restaurant; b) Marketing of a tourism product; c) Training; d) Loans for the construction of new hotels; e) Construction of inland hotels; f ) Consolidation of two or more small hotels with 50 rooms or less; g) Loans for the refurbishing, upgrading or construction of an attraction; h) Development of waste‑water disposal systems; i) Product development; j) Tourism research; k) Provision of an apprenticeship scheme; l) Organisation and hosting of tourism exhibitions and trade fairs; m) Development and operation of nature trails; n) Development of community tourism programmes; o)Development of computer software that can be used to measure the performance of the tourism industry; p) Development of visitor exchange programmes between Barbados and other Caribbean countries; and q) Development of a tourism project.
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