Derecho del Turismo en las Américas
A s we look forward to a next generation of human exploration over the next century or more, the legacy of Magellan’s epic circumnavigation of our home planet Earth 500 years ago stands out as a reminder of one of the rare paradigm‑shifting moments of our collective history. Celebrating the first “human” orbit of our planet established by Magellan’s voyage provides a sometimes overlooked perspective from which to evaluate where we are going as explorers in the 21st century. Today, a diversity of frontiers stands before us, each with seemly insurmountable challenges, yet none as physically daunting as those which Magellan and ultimately Elcano faced and conquered. The so‑called “final frontier” is often defined as Space, namely that which humanity has barely experienced with limited voyages only as far as the Moon in all of history. Magellan’s first orbit by sea of our home planet, the miraculous pale‑blue dot on which the only life within the universe Is currently known to exist, Is testament to the courage and creative Innovation associated with frontier ‑bashing moments In history that are often too rare In these times of pandemic and climate change. Humanity’s first orbit of the ocean world we call “home” was a generation ahead of its time, just as the voyages of a few brave men to the Moon over 50 years ago by Project Apollo were in the twentieth century. It profoundly punctuated the equilibrium of what humanity thought was achievable by opening the tangible frontier of transoceanic navigation, exploration, and ultimately economic benefits to everyone. Looking ahead over the next 50+ years, a new frontier stands before us, with challenges not unlike those of Magellan’s epic voyage, and requiring transformational breakthroughs In technology to project human presence and experience in what I define here as “the forever frontier”, the countably Infinite cosmic ocean of Space. Five hundred years ago Leonard da Vinci passed from this Earth with his monumental contributions in the arts, science, and engineering, just as Magellan commenced his first orbit by ocean of our planet. In that time of transition, humanity dared
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