Derecho del Turismo en las Américas
406 DERECHO DEL TURISMO EN LAS AMÉRICAS Keywords: Bahamas Ministry of Tourism; Bahamas Tourism History; Caribbean Tourism; Hotels Act; Hotels Encouragement Act; Promotion of Tourism Act; Tourism Development; Tourism Industry; Tourism Legislation; Tourism Policy; Tourism Sector; The Bahamas; Sustainable Tourism. Abstract: Under self‑government and guided by one of the first tourism legislation to be developed in the Caribbean region, The Bahamas is today one of the most successful tourism destinations in the English‑speaking CARICOM countries. With over 6.6 million arrivals (2018) and a licensed hotel room count of 17,618 (2018), tourism contributes over 50% of the country’s GDP, employs one in four workers, provides over US$ 2.3 billion (2015) into the economy from tourist expenditure and supplies over half of all moneys with which the government of The Bahamas provides public services. This chapter supports that tourism legislation in The Bahamas was pivotal in supporting the success of its tourism industry. In demonstrating the importance of relevant legislation and the role they have played in The Bahamas’ tourism success, this chapter takes a Janus view of the development of tourism legislative in The Bahamas – Janus, in Greek mythology, is depicted with two faces looking at opposite ways, one towards the past and the other towards the future. In so doing, this chapter identifies and analyses critical tourism legislative developments in The Bahamas that have contributed to its current success, which include the Tourism Encouragement Act of 1851, the Hotels Encouragement Act of 1954, the Promotion of Tourism Act of 1964 and the Hotels Act of 1970, and provides insights into the future legislative approach that may be adopted for continued success and sustainability of tourism in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. 1. INTRODUCTION The Commonwealth of The Bahamas has a longstanding history and success story with tourism. In fact, there is a widespread view that, with its pleasant winter climate, miles of gleaming white and pink sands and seas of crystal peacock blue, The Bahamas was inherently endowed with the potential for being a major tourist destination.
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