LOS IMPACTOS DEL COVID-19 EN EL SERVICIO AEROPORTUARIO 389 cumplidas tal como estaban pactadas o reguladas, mientras algunas otras serán de cumplimiento parcial. Pero la mayoría, en especial las de contenido patrimonial o económico, habrán devenido de imposible cumplimiento. Potential losses for 2020* Airport losses (billions USD) Total airport industry losses >46 billion USD *Figures subject to change - Data-driven impact assessment to be released on 30 March 2020 (traffic + revenues) >25% decline in industry revenues Airlines and airports in the same boat • IATA estimated loss in airline revenue of as much as US$113 billion (likely to be revised much higher); • ACI expects the loss in airport revenues to exceed US$45 billion; • Potential airline bankruptcies represent a major risk for airports. Fuente: The impact of COVID-19 on the airport business: preliminary assessment.