The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

LOS IMPACTOS DEL COVID-19 EN EL SERVICIO AEROPORTUARIO 385 industria del viaje, en general, y, en particular, del transporte aéreo y de la aviación civil, en su poco más de siglo de historia. El ACI expone los datos de la crisis. Los aeropuertos ubicados en todas las regiones, perderán el tráfico de pasajeros a tasas de dos dígitos. Vista aérea del Aeroparque Jorge Newbery, Buenos Aires en abril de 2020. Major airports’ rough figures • AdP (French airports group): -25% traffic drop between March and June; • Private airports in India: -25% in February and -50% in March; • U.S. airports: -40% between March and June; • Frankfurt: -30% in March; and, • Hong Kong: -70% in February. Passenger traffic can decline by anywhere between - 20% to -50% between March and June, depending on how the situation will evolve. Fuente: The impact of COVID-19 on the airport business: preliminary assessment, 23 March 2020.