262 LEGAL IMPACTS OF COVID-19 IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY state of alarm26. This possibility is contemplated, and it is indicated that the establishments contemplated in Order SND/257/2020 are allowed to open to the customers who were already guests when the state of alarm was declared, and they may remain open on a stable and seasonal basis. This will require the establishments to have adequate infrastructure for the guests to be able to carry out the essential activities indicated in Royal Decree No. 463/2020. Even though these establishments are open, they are not allowed to admit new customers, until the end of the suspension contemplated in Order SND/257/2020. This Order is applicable to the entire national territory, however, some questions are raised, considering that the regulation of tourist accommodation is profuse and it is necessary to take into account the regional regulation27. The problems raised have been dealt with by the doctrine28. For example, and to cite the case of our Valencian Community, Article 64 of Law No. 15/2018, June 7, of the Generalitat Valenciana, on tourism, leisure and hospitality of the Valencian Community29, contemplates the following types of tourist accommodation: hotel establishments, tourist apartment blocks and complexes, tourist apartment blocks and complexes, housing for tourist use, campsites, overnight transit areas for motorhomes, rural tourist accommodation and tourist hostels. Bearing also in mind the different collaborative economy platforms 30, such as Airbnb31. Thus, both apartments and dwellings for tourist use are included, but it would be necessary to attend to each regional regulation to see what is included within the concept of tourist accommodation32. 26 BAELO ÁLVAREZ, M. y DÍAZ-BAUTISTA CREMADES, A., “Estado de alarma como medida de “contención social” ante el COVID-19”, Diario La Ley No. 9592, 2020. 27 BUSTO, DEL, E., CEBALLOS MARTÍN, Mª. M. y PÉREZ GUERRA, R., “Marco normativo de los apartamentos y viviendas de uso turístico en España: Especial mención a la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” [online], Journal of Tourism Analysis. Revista de Análisis Turístico, vol. 26, nº 1, 2019, 62-92, available in: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JTA-05-2018-0015/full/html [consulted on 09 April 2020]. 28 MORENO GIL, S., PICAZO PERAL, P. y KORSTANIE, M. E., “La investigación sobre la imagen de los alojamientos turísticos y las dimensiones que la componen: situación actual y retos de futuro” [online], Anuario Turismo y Sociedad, vol. 25, 2019, 217-252, available in: https://revistas.uexternado.edu.co/index.p hp/tursoc/article/view/6004/7737 [consulted on 09 April 2020]. 29 BOE No. 157, 29 June 2018. 30 On this topic, it can be consulted: GOSÁLBEZ PEQUEÑO, H. (dir.), El régimen jurídico del turismo colaborativo, Wolters Kluwer, Madrid, 2019. 31 See, JIMÉNEZ HORWITZ, M., “La situación jurídica dela plataforma Airbnb en el marco de la economía colaborativa”, nº 3, 2019; 32 COSTAS DE VICENTE, B., “26 de marzo 2020: Cierre de alojamientos turísticos por crisis COVID-19 y sus consecuencias” [online], Sepin, 2020, available in: https://blog.sepin.es/2020/03/cierrealojamientos-turisticos-coronavirus/ [consulted on 10 April 2020].