The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON COMPETITION LAW 111 authority, and local airport authorities were suddenly swamped every three weeks by individual applications from around 60 airlines operating at that airport. To reduce their workload, they suggested that the airlines agree on a common surcharge – a suggestion implemented by the airlines. Notwithstanding the encouragement by competent authorities and the specific regulatory background, this conduct amounted to a competition law infringement and led to a global cartel investigation. IV. CONCLUSION To conclude, companies in the tourism industry need to think about the appropriate actions in a post-COVID-19 world. They should identify their needs – individually –, develop a plan – individually – and seek proper counsel and advice before reaching out to others, especially competitors. Again the author’s heartfelt gratefulness to Professor Torres and his team for setting this up. An innovative and important conference for the tourism sector in these challenging – but not hopeless – times.