Competition Law in Tourism

TOWARDS A REGULATION OR A DEREGULATION OF TOURIST APARTMENTS 665 that is continuously growing; and, on the other hand, the need to guarantee a minimum quality in this accommodation supply and position in the tourism market. This contributes to the consumers’ protection and to the prevention of the negative effects of an uncontrolled tourist accommodation oversupply that a can be translated into dark fiscal situations and intrusion situations of unfair competition5. In summary, it is the adequatemoment to regulate this kind of accommodation since, as stated by Roca Fernández-Castanys, “it is a real business moving millions of tourists that, consequently, asks for a list of minimal guarantees that justify the administrative intervention and control”6. This administrative control includes the necessity of making the possibility of offering an accommodation activity compatible with the right of owners/neighbours of enjoying their apartments without any perturbations. In the origin of the legalisation of these establishments, it is necessary to go back to the regularisation of the tourist apartments as their nearest figure. In this sense, the first mention of the tourist apartments can be found in the Ministerial Decree of 17 January 1967, which was established within the hotel regime (also called Hotel Industry Regulation), and that determines the administrative faculties, the opening authorisation, the rating of the hotel establishments and the requirement needed for its operation. The Statute regulating enterprises and touristic activities, approved by Decree No. 231/1965 of 14 January, identified tourist apartments – as private tourism enterprises – among the non-hotel tourist accommodation enterprises, ruled under the Information and TourismMinistry, which determined the entitlement and opening as well as the sanctions and potential offences. After that, Royal Decree No. 2877/1982 of 15 October, on the regulation of tourist apartments and holiday accommodation updated the requirements and conditions for the operation of these establishments7. 5 In this sense some recent studies by PÉREZ GUERRA, R. (2019). “Algunas consideraciones sobre el régimen jurídico-administrativo de los pisos turísticos: las viviendas turísticas versus a los apartamentos turísticos. Especial referencia a la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía”, Revista General de Derecho Administrativo, No. 51, CERDEIRA BRAVO DE MANSILLA, G. (Dir.) (2018) can be consulted: Viviendas de uso turístico: régimen civil, administrativo y fiscal, ed. REUS, Madrid; PERÉZ GUERRA, R., CEBALLOS MARTÍN, M.ª. M. & DEL BUSTO, E. (2018). “Marco normativo de los apartamentos turísticos y viviendas de uso turístico en España. Especial mención a la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid”, Revista de Análisis Turístico, No. 26(1); and DEL BUSTO, E., CEBALLOS MARTÍN, M.ª. M. & PÉREZ GUERRA, R. (2018) “Desafíos en la regulación de los apartamentos y viviendas de uso turístico en España”, Libro de Actas del XX Congreso Internacional de Turismo AECIT 2018 “Conocimiento, creatividad e innovación. Hacia el turismo del futuro”, Roquetas de Mar, Almería, 21 to 23 November 2018. pp. 51 ff. 6 See ROCA FERNÁNDEZ-CASTANYS, M.ª. L. (2017) “¿Matando…, op. cit., p. 4. 7 Regarding legal precedents about tourist apartments and housing, consult: ROCA, ROCA, E., CEBALLOS MARTÍN, M.ª. M. & PÉREZ GUERRA, R. (1998). La Regulación Jurídica del Turismo en España. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería, Almería, pp. 78 – 80 & PÉREZ GUERRA, R. (Coord.) (2006). Derecho de las actividades turísticas, Editorial Universidad Oberta de Cataluña, Barcelona, pp. 51-77.