Competition Law in Tourism

PRACTICES DISTORTING COMPETITION AND REDRESSIVE MEASURES 261 reasoned request by the Member States concerned, the third country or the third- -country entity concerned” (Art. 15.2). Finally, “The Commission shall assess the continued existence of the practice distorting competition, of the injury and of the causal link between the practice and the injury” (Art. 15.4). CONCLUSIONS The new EU regulation aims to be an opportunity to avoid practices that distort competition in air transport and the corrective measures that may be applied. This has been motivated by the liberalisation of air transport and the realisation of practices that can be considered unfair. The Regulation determines which are the practices that suppose a distortion in the competition and the application of corrective measures. The influence of aeronautical activity in the services sector has to be considered, as well as the involvement of consumers as a recipient of them. The liberalisation was a possibility to offer tourism products at a better price, but this cannot be at the cost of unfair practices by companies, in this case, community and extracommunity. A procedure is contemplated in this new regulation to start in the case of practices against competitiveness and cause injury to the companies of the European Union. The procedure can be concluded with or without redressive measures, depending on specific parameters set by the Regulation. We consider this new regulation to be positive, avoiding unfair competitiveness on the part of companies in the field of air transport. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOTANA AGRA, M. J. “Las reglas de la competencia de la CEE y el transporte aéreo intracomunitario”, Derecho mercantil de la Comunidad Económica Europea: estudios en homenaje a José Girón Tena, Consejo General de los Colegios Oficiales de Corredores de Comercio, Civitas, Madrid, 1991, pp. 189-204. COMMISSION (EU). Amended proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning protection against subsidisation and unfair pricing practices causing injury to Community air carriers in the supply of airline services from countries not members of the European Community (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 250(2) of the ECTreaty), Brussels, 7 of May 2003 COM(2003) 228 final 2002/0067(COD). Available in: EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52003PC0228&qid=1560966011769&from=ES (Consulted 20 June 2019).