Competition Law in Tourism

PRACTICES DISTORTING COMPETITION AND REDRESSIVE MEASURES 259 III. REDRESSIVE MEASURES Redressive measures will be adopted as long as they do not go against the interests of the European Union (in this case, the parties to the conflict will have to be heard). We must bear in mind the implication it has in these unfair practices for consumers and others affected by them, as is the case of companies that may suffer such malpractice. We must also highlight the importance of air transport in cases in which it is essential as connectivity with other countries. Therefore, the procedure that is initiated may not adopt corrective measures in all these cases. As indicated in Regulation (EU) 2019/712, the aim of the redressive measures, in respect of practices distorting competition, is “offsetting the injury that occurs due to those practices”. The Regulation further states that “they should therefore take the form of financial duties or of other measures which, representing a measurable pecuniary value, are capable of achieving the same effect. In order to comply with the principle of proportionality, measures of any kind should be confined to what is necessary to offset the injury identified.The redressive measure should have regard to the proper functioning of the Union air market and should not result in an undue advantage being given to any air carrier or group of air carriers”. It is not about imposing rules regarding subsidies to non-Community companies, including more restrictive conditions, for example, the redressivemeasures shall not consist of the suspension or limitation of traffic rights which are granted by a Member State to a third country. The redressive measures will be maintained for the precise time according to the principle of proportionality, which is necessary given such practice and the ensuing injury as it is determined by Regulation (EU) 2019/712. The procedure may end without redressive measures, as indicated in Art. 13 of the same Regulation, in cases in which the complaint is withdrawn, and when: “(a) the Commission concludes that any of the following is not established: (i) the existence of a practice distorting competition, adopted by a third country or a third-country entity; (ii) the existence of injury or threat of injury to the Union air carriers concerned; (iii) the existence of a causal link between the injury or threat of injury and the practice considered; (b) the Commission concludes that adopting redressive measures in accordance with Article 14 would be against the Union interest;