Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

LITHUANIA | JOLANTA VILKEVIČIŪTĖ 977 It should be noted that in that case if the traveller acquires not more than one type of tourism service identified in the Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Article 3 of the Law on Tourism (transportation of travellers by all types of vehicles; rent services of car, motorcycle or other motor vehicle; accommodation services, which are the integral part of travellers’ transportation and are provided under the contracts) – they do not form a package of tourism services in that case if these services do not make a major part of total value of services and is not advertised as the main part of travel of vacation or is not the main part of travel or vacation otherwise. In that case if other tourism services present 25 percentage or more of the value of tourism services, these services are considered to be a major part of the value of the package of tourism services. In the Law on Tourism it is determined that in the Republic of Lithuania services of travel organization can be provided by the travel organiser established in other member states of the European Union, seller of the tourism package services owning ensurement of the fulfillment of obligations under the requirements of the member states of the European Union. If the travel organiser from the third country wants to provide tourism services, the travel agent, who sells or offers to sell organized travels in the Republic of Lithuania, has to be established in the Republic of Lithuania and has to meet the provisions determined in the Law on Tourism and applied to travel organiser and travel agent. 4. CONCLUSIONS To sum up, after the adoption of the provisions of the Directive 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on package travel and linked travel arrangements in national legislation, stricter control of additional travel payments are applied; more rights in the case of cancellation of travel are determined; better communication regarding obligations of both parties is achieved; procedure of damage compensation is determined and etc. All these discussed measures should enhance the attractiveness of the tourism sector and promote tourism.