Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
ITALY | FRANCESCO MORANDI 903 sector, with the aim of adapting it to the reality of commercial traffic, eliminating ambiguity and filling in the regulatory gaps 5 . Technological innovation has always been an integral part of mobility systems, and it is destined to profoundly change the common travel experience 6 , while the possibilities offered by the network have also revolutionized the world of the distribution of travel services. New promotion and sales systems have been added, and to a considerable extent have replaced traditional channels, which have transformed the way travel operators today relate to travellers 7 . In view of the profound changes that have taken place in the European Union market, the new regime intervenes so as to achieve a “full harmonization” of the 5 See J.M. Bech Serrat, Selling Tourism Services at a Distance: An Analysis of the EU Consumer Acquis , Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012, and S. Keiler – F. Morandi, Package travel and assisted travel arrangements: The proposal for a new directive in light of a possible full harmonisation approach , in Riv. it. Dir. tur. , 2014, p. 5; see also E. Gómez Calle, En torno a una posible revisión del régimen del viaje combinado , in Cámara Lapuente (dir.) y Arroyo Amayuelas (coord.), La revisión de las normas europeas y nacionales de protección de los consumidores , Madrid, Civitas Thomson Reuters, 2012, p. 385; S. Keiler, Der Vorschlag für eine Änderung der Fluggastrechte-VO – Eine Analyse aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht , in RRa (Reiserecht aktuell) , 2013, p. 163; A. Paniza Fullana, Nuevas fórmulas de comercialización on line de servicios turísticos: subsunción en los tipos legales y distribución de responsabilidad , Editorial Comares, Granada, 2013; Proposals for a new Package Travel Directive , in Travel Law Quarterly , 2013, pp. 193-229 (D. Grant, An Introduction , p. 193; S. Mason – M. Gatenby, The Definition of ‘Package’ and ‘Assisted Travel Arrangement’ , p. 196; E. Fuentes, Definitions of ‘Traveller’, ‘Trader’, ‘Organiser’ and ‘Retailer’ , p. 201; J. Kolatsis – A. Losy, Information Obligations and Content of the Package Travel Contract , p. 204; S. Prager, Pre-Departure Changes , p. 210; A. Padfield, Performance of the Package , p. 217; F. Brehany, The Insolvency Provisions , p. 224); M.C. Berenguer Albaladejo, Nuevos horizontes en materia de viajes combinados , in Revista de Derecho Privado , 5/2014, p. 35 ss.; J.D. Camargo Gómez, Contratación electrónica de paquetes dinámicos de turismo en el ordenamiento jurídico español , in Ars Iuris Salmanticensis , 2/2014, p. 95; P. Martínez Espín, Impacto sobre la protección del consumidor de la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a los viajes combinados y los servicios asistidos de viaje, por la que se modifican el reglamento (CE) n.º 2006/2004 y la Directiva 2011/83/UE y por la que se deroga la directiva 90/314/CEE , in Aranzadi civil-mercantil , 9/2014, pp. 99-123; A. Paniza Fullana (dir.), Paquete dinámicos: problemas y soluciones jurídicas desde una perspectiva internacional , Dykinson, Madrid, 2014; A. Paniza Fullana, La Propuesta de Directiva relativa a los viajes combinados y los servicios asistidos de viaje: ¿El reconocimiento de la nueva realidad? , in Aranzadi civil-mercantil , 4/2014, pp. 51-60. 6 Concerning the concept of disrupting innovation see the classic C.M. Christensen, The innovator’s dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail , Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA (USA), 1997; previously, J.L. Bower – C.M. Christensen, Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave , Harvard Business Review, January- -February 1995; more recently C.M. Christensen – R. McDonald – E.J. Altman – J.E. Palmer, Disruptive Innovation: An Intellectual History and Directions for Future Research , Special Issue on Managing in the Age of Disruptions. Journal of Management Studies 55, No. 7, November 2018. 7 Regarding the legal effects, above all, F. Delfini, Il commercio elettronico , in E. Picozza – E. Gabrielli (dir.), Trattato di diritto dell’economia , Cedam, Padova, 2004, p. 245; Id., La collocazione di pacchetti turistici tra negoziazione tradizionale e negoziazione telematica , in Dir. tur. , 2004, p. 106; previously Id., Contratto telematico e commercio elettronico , Giuffrè, Milano, 2002, pp. 85 e 137; see also M. Colangelo – V. Zeno-Zencovich, La intermediazione on-line e la disciplina della concorrenza: i servizi di viaggio, soggiorno e svago , in Dir. inf. , 2015, p. 48, and F. Morandi, I contratti turistici telematici , in V. Franceschelli – E. Tosi (eds.), La tutela dei consumatori in Internet e nel commercio elettronico. Contratti – Responsabilità – Rimedi , Giuffrè, Milano, 2012, p. 595.
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