Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
902 COLLECTIVE COMMENTARY ABOUT THE NEW PACKAGE TRAVEL DIRECTIVE 2015 3 , regarding package travel and linked travel arrangements, modifying the “Organized tourism contracts” discipline referred to in Chapter I of Title VI of Annex 1 – Legislative Decree 23 May 2011, No. 79, of the so-called “Tourism Code” 4 . The new regulations came into effect on 1 July 2018 and apply to “package travel contracts” (art. 33, par. 1, letter d, of the Tourism Code), to “intermediate travel contract” (art. 50 of theTourismCode) and to “linked travel arrangements” (art. 49 of the Tourism Code) concluded as of this date. By profoundly reforming the previous travel contract regulations, the legislative framework has been updated to the latest developments in the tourism civ ., 2017, p. 1621; A. Pepe, “Circostanze eccezionali” ed esonero da responsabilità del tour operator nella nuova direttiva viaggi , in Contr. impresa Europa , 2017, p. 254; G. Rossoni, La Direttiva (UE) 2015/2302 relativa ai pacchetti turistici e ai servizi turistici collegati: una prima lettura , in Riv. it. Dir. tur. , 2017, p. 88; G. Terlizzi, Modifiche unilaterali e cancellazione del pacchetto turistico. La normativa in vigore e le novità introdotte dalla direttiva 2015/2302 UE , in Oss. dir. civ. comm. , 1/2018, p. 147; A. Zampone, Riflessioni sulla dir. (UE) 2015/2302 relativa ai pacchetti turistici ed ai servizi turistici collegati , in Dir. trasp ., 2018, p. 1; see also, for a specific profile, G. Benelli, Utilizzazione commerciale di unità da diporto e pacchetti turistici , comment to Giud. pace Torre Annunziata, 11 luglio 2018, No. 10550, in Dir. trasp ., 2019, to be published. 3 For a first analysis of the implications relating to the transposition of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 in the various Member States of the European Union, see the studies published in the volume edited by Franceschelli V., Morandi F., Torres C. (eds.), The New Package Travel Directive , ESHTE-INATEL, Lisboa, 2017, and in Journal of European Consumer and Market Law , n. 3/2016 (A. de Vries, Travel intermediaries and responsibility for compliance with EU travel law: a scattered legal picture , pp. 119-125, M. B.M. Loos, Precontractual information obligations for package travel contracts , pp. 125-130, J. Luzak, Vulnerable travellers in the digital age , pp. 130-135); see also A. Asensi Meras, Contratación on line de servicios turísticos y paquetes dinámicos de turismo , in Investigaciones Turísticas , 12/2016, pp. 163-182; A. Batuecas Caletrío, La contratación de viajes vinculados , in Aranzadi civil-mercantil , 6/2016, p. 29; J.M. Bech Serrat, Consumer travel law , in Research Handbook on EU Consumer and Contract Law , edited by C. Twigg- -Flesner, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2016, p. 360 ss.; C. Berenguer-Albaladejo, Luces y sombras de la nueva Directiva (UE) 2015/2302 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 25 de noviembre de 2015, relativa a los viajes combinados y a los servicios de viaje vinculados , in International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism , 2/2016, p. 33; E. Führich, Die neue Pauschalreiserichtlinie. Inhalt und erste Überlegungen zur Umsetzung , in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift , 2016, p. 1204 ss.; I. González Cabrera, ¿Estamos ante el mismo producto si se adquiere en línea un viaje combinado o distintos servicios de viaje vinculados?, in Revista de Derecho Civil , 3/2016, pp. 139-144; S. Bergmann, Die EU-Richtlinie: über Pauschalreisen und verbundene Reiseleistungen – eine lange Reise zum neuen Rech t, in Verbraucher und Recht , 2016, p. 43 ss.; I. González Cabrera, Una nueva configuración legal del viaje turístico. Del viaje combinado al paquete dinámico , in Aranzadi civil-mercantil , 7/2017, pp. 29-66; P. Hienicke, Pauschalreise- -Richtlinie – NeuerWein in guten Schläuchen? , in Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik , 2016, p. 226 ss.; F. Morandi – S. Keiler, The Directive on package travel and linked travel arrangements , cit., p. 401-413; A. Paniza Fullana, Viajes combinados y servicios de viaje vinculados: replanteamiento de conceptos y sus consecuencias sobre la responabilidad , Dykinson, Madrid, 2017, p. 15 ss.; K. Tonner, Die neue Pauschalreiserichtlinie, in Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht , 2016, p. 95 ss.; prevoiously, S. Keiler, Vorschlag: RL über Pauschal- und Bausteinreisen – Ein Zwischenbericht nach der Entschließung in 1. Lesung im Europäischen Parlament, das bereits den Namen der RL ändern will , in Ecolex. Fachzeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht , 2014, p. 388 ss. 4 For a first analysis of the new articles from 32 to 51- novies of the Tourism Code, see A. Finessi, La responsabilità del professionista nella nuova disciplina dei contratti di viaggio (d.lgs. 21 maggio 2018, n. 62) , in Nuove leggi civili comm. , 2018, p. 1307; G. Grisi – S. Mazzamuto, Diritto del turismo , II ed., Giappichelli, Torino, 2018, p. 202; R. Santagata, Diritto del turismo , IV ed., Utet, Torino, 2018, p. 267; comment to the D.lgs. 23 maggio 2011, n. 79, Codice del turismo , in V. Cuffaro (ed.), A. Barba – A. Barenghi (ccord.), Codice del consumo , V ed., Giuffrè, Milano, 2019, p. 1159.
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