Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
CROATIA | TATJANA JOSIPOVIĆ 727 Act provides for timeshare contracts that are most commonly concluded in the area of tourism 137 . In addition, a subsidiary application of the provisions of general contract law stipulated in the Obligations Act is still largely necessary when some private law aspects of package travel contracts are involved (e.g. intepretation of contracts, compensation for damage, prerequisites for the validity of contracts, et al ). Namely, the Tourism Service Act provided for only the aspects of contracts governed by the new Package Travel Directive. Therefore, the implementation of the new Package Travel Directive in the Tourism Services Act has only reduced, but not fully eliminated, the fragmentation of the legal regulation of tourism contracts in Croatian law. The Croatian legislator is still facing many challenges when it comes to a systematic regulation of tourism contracts, so that in practice, an effective and adequate protection of all contractual parties can be ensured and the conditions are created for a more intensive development of tourism. 137 Arts 95-104 of the Consumer Protection Act.
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