Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

704 COLLECTIVE COMMENTARY ABOUT THE NEW PACKAGE TRAVEL DIRECTIVE 4. ASSESSMENT OF THE CORRECTNESS OF IMPLEMENTATION The Bulgarian experience in the discussed matter is a good example of a cooperative implementation of demanding EUmeasures.The national provisions obtained specific sounding without departing from the original. The whole legislative process followed its standard way and the proposed new aspects received a positive answer from the public opinion, mostly the professional one. All the sensitive aspects of the package travel are skillfully incorporated into the sectorial touristic framework with transversal prerogatives kept for the consumer protection arrangement. 5. CONCLUSION The overall assessment of the updated BulgarianTourismAct could be completed with the study of its practical implications, which however needs a longer period of evaluation. The case law on the new provisions is also in the perspective. A conclusion could be made at this stage that the harmonization with the norms of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 have been successfully carried out with the parallel aim to enhance the equality dimension of the tourist internal market. Using this transposition opportunity, the Bulgarian legislator made additional precision on the controlling mechanisms of the tourism related administration strengthening its effectiveness and reliability. It is expected now that the integrated approach will create a further stimulus for an increase in the tourism industry.