Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

Article 30 Entry into force This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union . Belén Ferrer, Ph.D. 1 João Vidal, Ph.D. 2 1. The concept of entry into force; 2. Means of bringing a rule of law into force; 3. Supplementary vacatio legis periods across Europe ; 4. The date of entry into force. 1. THE CONCEPT OF ENTRY INTO FORCE Entry into force means that a given rule of law becomes legally binding on its recipients. As mentioned in the comment of article 29 and expressly stated in article 31, the recipients of a directive are the EU Member States and not the individuals. 2. MEANS OF BRINGING A RULE OF LAW INTO FORCE After its publication, which is a mandatory rule, a law may enter into force in several ways and is typically brought into force in one of the three following ways: a) By means of an explicit commencement date written into the law itself. It is possible for different sections of the law to come into force at different dates or times. 1 Professor at University of Balearic Islands, Spain. 2 Professor at University of the Algarve, Portugal.