Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
554 COLLECTIVE COMMENTARY ABOUT THE NEW PACKAGE TRAVEL DIRECTIVE 2. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ART. 27 IN ITALY Italy implemented the Directive through Legislative Decree 21 May 2018, No. 62 11 , thus amending the former so-called Tourism Code 12 . The above-mentioned set of rules came into force on 1 July 2018 and have been incorporated into Articles from 32 to 51 novies of the Tourism Code 13 , thus entirely substituting the Chapter related to “Package Travel Contracts”, in addition to the amendment made to the Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 No. 206 of the Consumer Code, in compliance with the provisions set forth in Art. 27 of the Directive. As a matter of fact, Art 2, paragraph 1 of the Legislative Decree No. 62/2018, in implementing Art 27, expressly states that the provisions set forth in Articles from 48 to 67 of the Consumer Code do not apply to organized tourism contracts regulated by the Code of Tourism. However, Art. 27 continues by stating that some of the provisions of Directive 2011/83/EU have to apply to packages as defined by point 2 of Art. 3 of Directive 2015/2302 concerning travellers, as defined in point 6 of Art. 3 of the Directive. First of all, we have to remember that the implementation, in Italy, of Directive 2011/83 caused specific Articles of the Consumer Code to be rewritten, i.e. Articles from 45 to 67 14 . According to Art. 27 of the package Directive and thus to Art. 2, point 2 of the Legislative Decree n. 62/2018, 11 See references in footnote n. 8 and Morandi, Le nuove regole dell’Unione Europea sui pacchetti turistici e i servizi turistici collegati nell’esperienza italiana – Parte I , in Resp. civ. e prev. , vol. 4, 2019, p. 1102 ss. 12 Italian authors have not been enthusiast regarding the legislator’s choice to transpose the content of the Directive by amending the Code of tourism, rather than proposing to insert the new regulation in the Civil Code, particularly in a special chapter that would have been positioned in Title III of Book IV, dedicated to “single contracts”. A proposal that has not been agreed upon. De Cristofaro, La nuova disciplina europea dei contratti di viaggio , cit., p. 21. 13 For an in-depth analysis of the new articles of the Tourism Code, see Tassoni, Sub artt. 32-37, in D.lgs. 23 maggio 2011, n. 79, Codice del Turismo , in Codice del Consumo e norme collegate a cura di Cuffaro, V, ed., Giuffrè, 2019, p. 1161 e ss. 14 With reference to the implementation of Directive 2011/83 in Italy, see Dalla Massara, La maggior tutela del consumatore: ovvero del coordinamento tra codice civile e codice del consumo dopo l’attuazione della Direttiva 2011/83/UE , in Contratto e Impresa , vol. 3, 2016, p. 743 ss .; La riforma del codice del consumo. Commentario al D.lgs. n. 21/2014 , a cura di D’Amico, Padova, 2014; Pagliantini, La riforma del codice del consumo ai sensi del d.lgs. 21/2014: una rivisitazione (con effetto paralizzante per i consumatori e le imprese?), in Contr., 2014, p. 796 ss.; Battelli, L’attuazione della direttiva sui consumatori tra rimodernizzazione di vecchie categorie e ‘nuovi’ diritti , in Eur. dir. priv ., 2014, p. 927 ss.; Scavone, Le modifiche apportate al Codice del consumo a seguito del recepimento della direttiva 2011/83/UE , in Contr. e impr./Europa , 2014, p. 467 ss.; Cuffaro, Nuovi diritti per i consumatori: note a margine del d.lgs. 21 febbraio 2014, n. 21 , in Corriere giur., 2014, p. 745 ss.; Granelli, ‘Diritti dei consumatori’ e tutele nella recente novella del Codice del consumo, in Contr ., 2015, p. 59 ss.
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