Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
ARTICLE 25 | F. JAVIER MELGOSA ARCOS 517 principal nature including warning and fine. But the amount of fines varies from one Autonomous Community to another and the application of the minimum, average or maximum amount is foreseen. ANDALUSIA EXTREMADURA BASQUE COUNTRY 1. Infringements classified as minor will be sanctioned with a warning or a fine of up to 2,000 €. 2. Infringements classified as serious will be sanctioned with a fine of 2,001 up to 18,000 €. As ancillary sanction, the suspension of the exercise of tourist services or the temporary closure of the establishment, where appropriate, for a period of less than six months may be imposed. 3. Very serious infringements will be sanctioned with a fine of 18,001 up to 150,000 €. a) Minor infringements: warning or fine of up to 600 €. The minimum term of the fine covers up to 200 €; the medium term covers from 201 € up to 400 and the maximum term covers from 401 up to 600 €. b) Serious infringements: fine from 601 up to 6,000 €. The minimum term of the fine ranges from 601 up to 2,400 €; the medium term ranges from 2,401 up to 4,200 €, and the maximum term ranges from 4,201 up to 6,000 €. c) Very serious infringements: fine from 6,001 up to 60,000 €. The minimum term of the fine ranges from 6,001 to 24,000 €; the medium term from 24,001 up to 42,000 €, and the maximum term from 42,001 up to 60,000 €. a) Minor infringements, with a warning or a fine of up to 10,000 €. b) Serious infringements will be sanctioned with fines from 10,001 € up to 100,000 €. c) Very serious infringements will be sanctioned with a fine of 100,001 € up to 600,000 €. CATALONIA CASTILE AND LEÓN ARAGON 1. The infringements of this law are sanctioned with the application of the following measures: a) Minor infringements, with a warning or a fine of up to 3,000 €. b) Serious infringement, with a fine of 3,001 up to 60,000 € or, if the nature and severity of the infraction make it advisable, with the suspension of the activity or the temporary closure of the establishment, for a maximum period of one year. c) Very serious infractions, with a fine of 60,001 up to 600,000 € or, if the nature and severity of the infraction make it advisable, with the suspension of the activity or the temporary closure of the establishment, for a maximum period of two years, or with the definitive closure of the establishment. The infringements classified in this law will be sanctioned with: 1. In case of minor infringements, fine of 100 up to 900 €, according to the following graduation: a) In the minimum term, a fine of 100 up to 300 €. b) In the medium term, a fine of 301 up to 600 €. c) In the maximum term, a fine of 601 up to 900 €. 2. In case of serious infringements, a fine of 901 up to 9,000 €, according to the following graduation: a) In the minimum term, a fine of 901 up to 3,500 €. b)Inthemediumterm,afineof3,501to6,000€. c) In the maximum term, a fine of 6,001 to 9,000 €. 3. In the case of serious infringements, a fine of 9,001 up to 90,000 €, according to the following graduation: a) In the minimum term, a fine of 9,001 up to 36,000 €. b) In the medium term, a fine of 36,001 up to 65,000 €. c) In the maximum term, a fine of 65,001 up to 90,000 €. 1. Sanctions will be the following: a) Infringements classified as minor will be sanctioned with a warning or a fine of 60 up to 600 €. b) Infringements classified as serious will be sanctioned with a fine of 601 up to 6,000 €. c) Infringements classified as very serious will be sanctioned with a fine of 6,001 up to 90,000 €.
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